Data Preview 0.3

Data Preview 0.3 (ten-year version): Contains the catalog products of a Solar System Science Collaboration simulation of the results of SSO analysis of the wide-fast-deep data from the full LSST ten-year dataset.


Table to store 'difference image sources' - sources detected at SNR >=5 on difference images.

Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
band char Name of the band used to take the exposure where this source was measured
ccdVisitId long Id of the ccdVisit where this diaSource was measured. Note that we are allowing a diaSource to belong to multiple amplifiers, but it may not span multiple ccds.
dec double deg Dec-coordinate of the center of this diaSource.
decErr float deg Uncertainty of dec.
decTrue double True (noiseless) declination of the simulated diaSource
diaObjectId long Id of the diaObject this source was associated with, if any. If not, it is set to NULL (each diaSource will be associated with either a diaObject or ssObject).
diaSourceId long Unique id.
mag float Magnitude. This is a placeholder and should be replaced by flux.
magErr float Magnitude error. This is a placeholder and should be replaced by flux error.
magTrueVband float True (noiseless) V-band magnitude of the simulated diaSource
midPointMjdTai double d Effective mid-exposure time for this diaSource.
nameTrue char MPC or simulation designation of the moving object
ra double deg RA-coordinate of the center of this diaSource.
raErr float deg Uncertainty of ra.
raTrue double True (noiseless) right ascension of the simulated diaSource
ra_dec_Cov float deg**2 Covariance between ra and dec.
snr float The signal-to-noise ratio at which this source was detected in the difference image.
ssObjectId long Id of the ssObject this source was associated with, if any. If not, it is set to NULL (each diaSource will be associated with either a diaObject or ssObject).
ssObjectReassocTime timestamp Time when this diaSource was reassociated from diaObject to ssObject (if such reassociation happens, otherwise NULL).


The orbit catalog produced by the Minor Planet Center. Ingested daily. O(10M) rows by survey end. The columns are described at

Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
arc float d MPCORB: Arc (days), for single-opposition objects
arcEnd timestamp MPCORB: Year of last observation (for multi-opposition objects)
arcStart timestamp MPCORB: Year of first observation (for multi-opposition objects)
computer char MPCORB: Computer name
e double MPCORB: Orbital eccentricity
epoch double d MPCORB: Epoch (in MJD, .0 TT)
flags int MPCORB: 4-hexdigit flags. See for details
fullDesignation char MPCORB: Readable designation
incl double deg MPCORB: Inclination to the ecliptic, J2000.0 (degrees)
lastIncludedObservation float d MPCORB: Date of last observation included in orbit solution
mpcDesignation char MPCORB: Number or provisional designation (in packed form)
mpcG float MPCORB: Slope parameter, G
mpcH float mag MPCORB: Absolute magnitude, H
mpcNumber int MPC number (if the asteroid has been numbered; NULL otherwise). Provided for convenience.
n double deg/d MPCORB: Mean daily motion (degrees per day)
nobs int MPCORB: Number of observations
node double deg MPCORB: Longitude of the ascending node, J2000.0 (degrees)
nopp int MPCORB: Number of oppositions
peri double deg MPCORB: Argument of perihelion, J2000.0 (degrees)
pertsLong char MPCORB: Precise indicator of perturbers (blank if unperturbed one-opposition object)
pertsShort char MPCORB: Coarse indicator of perturbers (blank if unperturbed one-opposition object)
q double AU MPCORB: Perihelion distance (AU)
reference char MPCORB: Reference
rms float arcsec MPCORB: r.m.s residual (")
ssObjectId long LSST unique identifier (if observed by LSST)
tperi double d MPCORB: MJD of pericentric passage
uncertaintyParameter char MPCORB: Uncertainty parameter, U


LSST-computed per-object quantities. 1:1 relationship with MPCORB. Recomputed daily, upon MPCORB ingestion.

Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
MOID float AU Minimum orbit intersection distance to Earth
MOIDDeltaV float km/s DeltaV at the MOID point
MOIDEclipticLongitude float deg Ecliptic longitude of the MOID point
MOIDTrueAnomaly float deg True anomaly of the MOID point
arc float d Arc of LSST observations
discoverySubmissionDate double d The date the LSST first linked and submitted the discovery observations to the MPC. May be NULL if not an LSST discovery. The date format will follow general LSST conventions (MJD TAI, at the moment).
firstObservationDate double d The time of the first LSST observation of this object (could be precovered)
flags long Flags, bitwise OR tbd.
g_Chi2 float Chi^2 statistic of the phase curve fit (g band)
g_G12 float mag Best fit G12 slope parameter (g band)
g_G12Err float mag Uncertainty of G12 (g band)
g_H float mag Best fit absolute magnitude (g band)
g_HErr float mag Uncertainty of H (g band)
g_H_gG12_Cov float mag**2 H-G12 covariance (g band)
g_Ndata int The number of data points used to fit the phase curve (g band)
i_Chi2 float Chi^2 statistic of the phase curve fit (i band)
i_G12 float mag Best fit G12 slope parameter (i band)
i_G12Err float mag Uncertainty of G12 (i band)
i_H float mag Best fit absolute magnitude (i band)
i_HErr float mag Uncertainty of H (i band)
i_H_iG12_Cov float mag**2 H-G12 covariance (i band)
i_Ndata int The number of data points used to fit the phase curve (i band)
maxExtendedness float maximum `extendedness` value from the DIASource
medianExtendedness float median `extendedness` value from the DIASource
minExtendedness float minimum `extendedness` value from the DIASource
numObs int Number of LSST observations of this object
r_Chi2 float Chi^2 statistic of the phase curve fit (r band)
r_G12 float mag Best fit G12 slope parameter (r band)
r_G12Err float mag Uncertainty of G12 (r band)
r_H float mag Best fit absolute magnitude (r band)
r_HErr float mag Uncertainty of H (r band)
r_H_rG12_Cov float mag**2 H-G12 covariance (r band)
r_Ndata int The number of data points used to fit the phase curve (r band)
ssObjectId long Unique identifier.
u_Chi2 float Chi^2 statistic of the phase curve fit (u band)
u_G12 float mag Best fit G12 slope parameter (u band)
u_G12Err float mag Uncertainty of G12 (u band)
u_H float mag Best fit absolute magnitude (u band)
u_HErr float mag Uncertainty of H (u band)
u_H_uG12_Cov float mag**2 H-G12 covariance (u band)
u_Ndata int The number of data points used to fit the phase curve (u band)
y_Chi2 float Chi^2 statistic of the phase curve fit (y band)
y_G12 float mag Best fit G12 slope parameter (y band)
y_G12Err float mag Uncertainty of G12 (y band)
y_H float mag Best fit absolute magnitude (y band)
y_HErr float mag Uncertainty of H (y band)
y_H_yG12_Cov float mag**2 H-G12 covariance (y band)
y_Ndata int The number of data points used to fit the phase curve (y band)
z_Chi2 float Chi^2 statistic of the phase curve fit (z band)
z_G12 float mag Best fit G12 slope parameter (z band)
z_G12Err float mag Uncertainty of G12 (z band)
z_H float mag Best fit absolute magnitude (z band)
z_HErr float mag Uncertainty of H (z band)
z_H_zG12_Cov float mag**2 H-G12 covariance (z band)
z_Ndata int The number of data points used to fit the phase curve (z band)


LSST-computed per-source quantities. 1:1 relationship with DiaSource. Recomputed daily, upon MPCORB ingestion.

Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
diaSourceId long Unique identifier of the observation
eclipticBeta double deg Ecliptic latitude
eclipticLambda double deg Ecliptic longitude
galacticB double deg Galactic latitute
galacticL double deg Galactic longitude
heliocentricDist float AU Heliocentric distance
heliocentricVX float AU Cartesian heliocentric X velocity (at the emit time)
heliocentricVY float AU Cartesian heliocentric Y velocity (at the emit time)
heliocentricVZ float AU Cartesian heliocentric Z velocity (at the emit time)
heliocentricX float AU Cartesian heliocentric X coordinate (at the emit time)
heliocentricY float AU Cartesian heliocentric Y coordinate (at the emit time)
heliocentricZ float AU Cartesian heliocentric Z coordinate (at the emit time)
mpcUniqueId long MPC unique identifier of the observation
phaseAngle float deg Phase angle
predictedDecErr float deg Predicted Dec uncertainty
predictedMagnitude float mag Predicted magnitude
predictedMagnitudeErr float mag Prediction uncertainty (1-sigma)
predictedRaDecCov float deg**2 Predicted R.A./Dec covariance
predictedRaErr float deg Predicted R.A. uncertainty
residualDec double deg Residual Dec vs. ephemeris
residualRa double deg Residual R.A. vs. ephemeris
ssObjectId long Unique identifier of the object.
topocentricDist float AU Topocentric distace
topocentricVX float AU Cartesian topocentric X velocity (at the emit time)
topocentricVY float AU Cartesian topocentric Y velocity (at the emit time)
topocentricVZ float AU Cartesian topocentric Z velocity (at the emit time)
topocentricX float AU Cartesian topocentric X coordinate (at the emit time)
topocentricY float AU Cartesian topocentric Y coordinate (at the emit time)
topocentricZ float AU Cartesian topocentric Z coordinate (at the emit time)

SDM Schemas is maintained by Rubin Observatory.