Consolidated Database for LATISS

The Consolidated Database Schema for LATISS describes the tables and views available as fixed metadata to describe LATISS exposures, visits, and parts thereof.


Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
ccdexposure_id long Unique identifier.
day_obs int Day of observation.
detector int Number of the detector in the focal plane.
exposure_id long Identifier of the exposure.
s_region string Sky region in STC-S format (
seq_num int Sequence number.


Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
ccd_temp float Temperature of CCD in degC.
ccdexposure_id long Unique identifier.
temp_set float Temperature setpoint of CCD in degC.


Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
key string Name of key.
obs_id long Unique identifier.
value text Content of value as a string.


Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
doc text Documentation string.
dtype string Name of the data type of the value, one of bool, int, float, str.
key string Name of key.
ucd string IVOA Unified Content Descriptor (
unit string Unit for the value. Should be from the IVOA ( or astropy.


Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
ccdvisit_id long Unique identifier.
detector int Number of the detector in the focal plane.
s_region string Sky region in STC-S format (
visit_id long Identifier of the visit.


Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
astrom_offset_mean float arcsec Mean offset of astrometric calibration matches.
astrom_offset_std float arcsec Standard deviation of offsets of astrometric calibration matches.
ccdvisit_id long Unique identifier.
eff_time float s Effective exposure time.
eff_time_psf_sigma_scale float Scale factor for effective exposure time based on PSF sigma.
eff_time_sky_bg_scale float Scale factor for effective exposure time based on sky background.
eff_time_zero_point_scale float Scale factor for effective exposure time based on zero point.
max_dist_to_nearest_psf float pixel Maximum distance of an unmasked pixel to its nearest model PSF star.
mean_var float Mean of the variance plane.
n_psf_star int count Number of stars used for PSF model.
photometric_calib float nJy/count Conversion from DN to nanojansky.
psf_area float PSF area.
psf_ixx float PSF Ixx moment.
psf_ixy float PSF Ixy moment.
psf_iyy float PSF Iyy moment.
psf_sigma float PSF model second-moments determinant radius (center of chip).
psf_star_delta_e1_median float Median E1 residual (starE1 - psfE1) for PSF stars.
psf_star_delta_e1_scatter float Scatter (via MAD) of E1 residual (starE1 - psfE1) for PSF stars.
psf_star_delta_e2_median float Median E2 residual (starE2 - psfE2) for PSF stars.
psf_star_delta_e2_scatter float Scatter (via MAD) of E2 residual (starE2 - psfE2) for PSF stars.
psf_star_delta_size_median float pixel Median size residual (starSize - psfSize) for PSF stars.
psf_star_delta_size_scatter float pixel Scatter (via MAD) of size residual (starSize - psfSize) for stars.
psf_star_scaled_delta_size_scatter float Scatter (via MAD) of size residual scaled by median size squared.
psf_trace_radius_delta float pixel Delta (max - min) of model PSF trace radius values evaluated on a grid of unmasked pixels.
s_dec double deg Central Spatial Position in ICRS; Computed declination of CCD center.
s_ra double deg Central Spatial Position in ICRS; Computed right ascension of CCD center.
seeing_zenith_500nm double Measured PSF sigma, corrected to 500nm and an airmass of 1.
sky_bg float Average sky background.
sky_noise float RMS noise of the sky background.
zenith_distance float Zenith distance at observation mid-point.
zero_point float Photometric zero point.


Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
air_temp float Outside air temperature in degC.
airmass float Airmass of the observed line of sight at the middle of the exposure.
altitude float deg Altitude of focal plane center at the middle of the exposure.
altitude_end float deg Altitude of focal plane center at the end of the exposure.
altitude_start float deg Altitude of focal plane center at the start of the exposure.
azimuth float deg Azimuth of focal plane center at the middle of the exposure.
azimuth_end float deg Azimuth of focal plane center at the end of the exposure.
azimuth_start float deg Azimuth of focal plane center at the start of the exposure.
band string Name of the band used to take the exposure. Abstract filter that is not associated with a particular instrument.
controller string The abbreviation of the controller used for the observation (O, C).
cur_index int Number (1-based) of the observation within its group.
dark_time float s Duration from last clear to readout, accurate to 10ms.
day_obs int Day of observation.
dimm_seeing float arcsec Seeing as measured by external DIMM (FWHM).
dome_azimuth float Dome azimuth.
emulated boolean True if the exposure was taken in emulation mode.
exp_midpt timestamp Midpoint time for exposure at the fiducial center of the focal plane. array. TAI, accurate to 10ms.
exp_midpt_mjd double d Midpoint time for exposure at the fiducial center of the focal plane. array in MJD. TAI, accurate to 10ms.
exp_time float s Spatially-averaged duration of exposure, accurate to 10ms.
exposure_id long Unique identifier.
exposure_name string Official name of the exposure.
focus_z float Focus Z position.
group_id string Identifier for the group that this exposure is part of.
humidity float Outside relative humidity.
img_type string Type of exposure taken.
max_index int Expected number of observations within the group.
mount_jitter_rms float arcsec RMS mount jitter.
mount_jitter_rms_az float arcsec Azimuth RMS mount jitter.
mount_jitter_rms_el float arcsec Elevation RMS mount jitter.
mount_jitter_rms_rot float arcsec Rotator RMS mount jitter.
mount_motion_image_degradation float arcsec Image degradation due to mount motion.
mount_motion_image_degradation_az float arcsec Image degradation due to mount motion in azimuth.
mount_motion_image_degradation_el float arcsec Image degradation due to mount motion in elevation.
obs_end timestamp End time of the exposure at the fiducial center of the focal plane. array, TAI, accurate to 10ms.
obs_end_mjd double d End of the exposure in MJD, TAI, accurate to 10ms.
obs_start timestamp Start time of the exposure at the fiducial center of the focal plane. array, TAI, accurate to 10ms.
obs_start_mjd double d Start of the exposure in MJD, TAI, accurate to 10ms.
observation_reason string Reason for the observation.
physical_filter string ID of physical filter, the filter associated with a particular instrument.
pressure float Pa Outside air pressure.
s_dec double deg Central Spatial Position in ICRS; Declination of targeted focal plane center.
s_ra double deg Central Spatial Position in ICRS; Right ascension of targeted focal plane center.
s_region string Sky region in STC-S format (
science_program string Science program.
seq_num int Sequence number.
shut_lower float Dome dropout door opening percentage.
shut_time float s Spatially-averaged shutter-open duration, accurate to 10ms.
shut_upper float Dome main door opening percentage.
simulated boolean Were any control system components simulated?
sky_rotation double deg Targeted sky rotation angle.
target_name string Target of the observation.
vignette string Instrument blocked from the sky: UNKNOWN, NO, PARTIALLY, FULLY.
vignette_min string Lowest amount of instrument vignetting detected during the exposure: UNKNOWN, NO, PARTIALLY, FULLY.
wind_dir float deg Wind direction.
wind_speed float m/s Outside wind speed.
zenith_distance float deg Zenith distance at the middle of the exposure.
zenith_distance_end float deg Zenith distance at the end of the exposure.
zenith_distance_start float deg Zenith distance at the start of the exposure.


Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
day_obs int Day of observation.
key string Name of key.
obs_id long Unique identifier.
seq_num int Sequence number.
value text Content of value as a string.


Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
doc text Documentation string.
dtype string Name of the data type of the value, one of bool, int, float, str.
key string Name of key.
ucd string IVOA Unified Content Descriptor (
unit string Unit for the value. Should be from the IVOA ( or astropy.


Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
day_obs int Day of observation.
exposure_id long Unique identifier.
postisr_pixel_median float electron Median postISR pixel value.
seq_num int Sequence number.


Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
air_temp float Outside air temperature in degC.
airmass float Airmass of the observed line of sight at the middle of the visit.
altitude float deg Altitude of focal plane center at the middle of the visit.
altitude_end float deg Altitude of focal plane center at the end of the visit.
altitude_start float deg Altitude of focal plane center at the start of the visit.
azimuth float deg Azimuth of focal plane center at the middle of the visit.
azimuth_end float deg Azimuth of focal plane center at the end of the visit.
azimuth_start float deg Azimuth of focal plane center at the start of the visit.
band string Name of the band used to take the visit. Abstract filter that is not associated with a particular instrument.
controller string The abbreviation of the controller used for the observation (O, C).
cur_index int Number (1-based) of the observation within its group.
dark_time float s Duration from last clear to readout, accurate to 10ms.
day_obs int Day of observation.
dimm_seeing float arcsec Seeing as measured by external DIMM (FWHM).
emulated boolean True if the visit was taken in emulation mode.
exp_midpt timestamp Midpoint time for visit at the fiducial center of the focal plane. array. TAI, accurate to 10ms.
exp_midpt_mjd double d Midpoint time for visit at the fiducial center of the focal plane. array in MJD. TAI, accurate to 10ms.
exp_time float s Spatially-averaged duration of visit, accurate to 10ms.
exposure_name string Official name of the exposure mapped to this visit by the 1-to-1 visit system.
focus_z float Focus Z position.
group_id string Identifier for the group that this visit is part of.
humidity float Outside relative humidity.
img_type string Type of visit taken.
max_index int Expected number of observations within the group.
obs_end timestamp End time of the visit at the fiducial center of the focal plane. array, TAI, accurate to 10ms.
obs_end_mjd double d End of the visit in MJD, TAI, accurate to 10ms.
obs_start timestamp Start time of the visit at the fiducial center of the focal plane. array, TAI, accurate to 10ms.
obs_start_mjd double d Start of the visit in MJD, TAI, accurate to 10ms.
observation_reason string Reason for the observation.
physical_filter string ID of physical filter, the filter associated with a particular instrument.
pressure float Pa Outside air pressure.
s_dec double deg Central Spatial Position in ICRS; Declination of targeted focal plane center.
s_ra double deg Central Spatial Position in ICRS; Right ascension of targeted focal plane center.
s_region string Sky region in STC-S format (
science_program string Science program.
seq_num int Sequence number.
shut_lower float Dome dropout door opening percentage.
shut_time float s Spatially-averaged shutter-open duration, accurate to 10ms.
shut_upper float Dome main door opening percentage.
simulated boolean Were any control system components simulated?
sky_rotation double deg Targeted sky rotation angle.
target_name string Target of the observation.
vignette string Instrument blocked from the sky: UNKNOWN, NO, PARTIALLY, FULLY.
vignette_min string Lowest amount of instrument vignetting detected during the visit: UNKNOWN, NO, PARTIALLY, FULLY.
visit_id long Unique identifier.
wind_dir float deg Wind direction.
wind_speed float m/s Outside wind speed.
zenith_distance float deg Zenith distance at the middle of the visit.
zenith_distance_end float deg Zenith distance at the end of the visit.
zenith_distance_start float deg Zenith distance at the start of the visit.


Index Column Name Data Type Unit Description [UCD]
astrom_offset_mean float arcsec Mean offset of astrometric calibration matches.
astrom_offset_std float arcsec Standard deviation of offsets of astrometric calibration matches.
day_obs int Day of observation.
eff_time float s Effective exposure time calculated from PSF sigma, sky background, and zero point.
eff_time_psf_sigma_scale float Scale factor for effective exposure time based on PSF sigma.
eff_time_sky_bg_scale float Scale factor for effective exposure time based on sky background.
eff_time_zero_point_scale float Scale factor for effective exposure time based on zero point.
high_snr_source_count int count Count of high signal-to-noise-ratio sources.
low_snr_source_count int count Count of low signal-to-noise-ratio sources.
max_dist_to_nearest_psf float Maximum distance of an unmasked pixel to its nearest model PSF star.
mean_var float Mean of the variance plane.
n_inputs int Number of CCDs used to compute the visit aggregates.
n_psf_star int Number of stars used for PSF model.
psf_area float PSF area.
psf_ixx float PSF Ixx moment.
psf_ixy float PSF Ixy moment.
psf_iyy float PSF Iyy moment
psf_sigma float PSF sigma.
psf_star_delta_e1_median float Median E1 residual (starE1 - psfE1) for PSF stars.
psf_star_delta_e1_scatter float Scatter (via MAD) of E1 residual (starE1 - psfE1) for PSF stars.
psf_star_delta_e2_median float Median E2 residual (starE2 - psfE2) for PSF stars.
psf_star_delta_e2_scatter float Scatter (via MAD) of E2 residual (starE2 - psfE2) for PSF stars.
psf_star_delta_size_median float Median size residual (starSize - psfSize) for PSF stars.
psf_star_delta_size_scatter float Scatter (via MAD) of size residual (starSize - psfSize) for stars.
psf_star_scaled_delta_size_scatter float Scatter (via MAD) of size residual scaled by median size squared.
psf_trace_radius_delta float Delta (max - min) of model PSF trace radius values evaluated on a grid of unmasked pixels.
seeing_zenith_500nm double Measured PSF sigma, corrected to 500nm and an airmass of 1.
seq_num int Sequence number.
sky_bg float Average sky background.
sky_noise float RMS noise of the sky background.
visit_id long Unique identifier.
zero_point float Photometric zero point.

SDM Schemas is maintained by Rubin Observatory.