
The HyperSuprimeCam (HSC) Schema describes the outputs of the latest data release production pipelines for HyperSuprimeCam. This schema is used by ci_hsc, which verifies the schema of the pipeline output files.


The Object table contains descriptions of the multi-epoch static astronomical objects, in particular their astrophysical properties as derived from analysis of the Sources that are associated with them. Note that fast moving objects are kept in the MovingObject tables. Note that less-frequently used columns are stored in a separate table called Object_Extra.

Column Name Data Type Unit Description UCD Index Principal
objectId long Unique id. Unique ObjectID meta.id;src
coord_dec double deg Fiducial ICRS Declination of centroid used for database indexing
coord_ra double deg Fiducial ICRS Right Ascension of centroid used for database indexing
coord_decErr float deg Error in fiducial ICRS Declination of centroid.
coord_raErr float deg Error in fiducial ICRS Right Ascension of centroid.
coord_ra_dec_Cov float deg**2 Covariance between fiducial ICRS Right Ascension and Declination of centroid.
deblend_nChild int Number of children this object has (defaults to 0)
deblend_nPeaks int Number of peaks this parent footprint has (even if the deblender failed or skipped this blend)
deblend_failed boolean Deblender failed to deblend this source
deblend_skipped boolean Deblender skipped this source
deblend_isolatedParent boolean Deblender skipped this footprint because there was only a single peak
deblend_parentTooBig boolean Deblender skipped this source because the parent footprint was too large.
deblend_tooManyPeaks boolean Deblender skipped this source because there were too many peaks in the Footprint.
deblend_masked boolean Deblender skipped this source because there were too many masked pixels.
deblend_incompleteData boolean One or more bands were not deblended due to an inability to model the PSF.
deblend_iterations int Number of iterations during deblending
deblend_peak_center_x int pixel x-coordinate of the peak after source detection
deblend_peak_center_y int pixel y-coordinate of the peak after source detection
deblend_logL float Log likelihood of the entire blend in scarlet_lite.
detect_fromBlend boolean This source is deblended from a parent with more than one child.
detect_isDeblendedModelSource boolean True if source has no children and is in the inner region of a coadd patch and is in the inner region of a coadd tract and is not detected in a pseudo-filter (see config.pseudoFilterList) and is a deblended child
detect_isDeblendedSource boolean True if source has no children and is in the inner region of a coadd patch and is in the inner region of a coadd tract and is not detected in a pseudo-filter (see config.pseudoFilterList) and is either an unblended isolated source or a deblended child from a parent with
detect_isIsolated boolean This source is not a part of a blend.
detect_isPatchInner boolean True if source is in the inner region of a coadd patch
detect_isPrimary boolean True if source has no children and is in the inner region of a coadd patch and is in the inner region of a coadd tract and is not detected in a pseudo-filter (see config.pseudoFilterList)
detect_isTractInner boolean True if source is in the inner region of a coadd tract
ebv float mag E(B-V) at coord_ra/coord_dec per Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998)
footprintArea int pixel Number of pixels in the sources detection footprint. Reference band.
merge_peak_sky boolean Peak detected in filter sky
parentObjectId long Unique ID of parent source. Reference band.
patch long Skymap patch ID
refBand char Reference band - parameters measured on coadds of this band were used for multi-band forced photometry
refExtendedness float Set to 1 for extended sources, 0 for point sources. Reference band.
refSizeExtendedness float Moments-based measure of an object to be a galaxy. Reference band.
refFwhm float Estimated FWHM on the reference band at source center assuming a Gaussian profile
shape_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Reference band.
shape_xx float pixel**2 HSM moments. Reference band.
shape_xy float pixel**2 HSM moments. Reference band.
shape_yy float pixel**2 HSM moments. Reference band.
sky_object boolean No source was detected here. This object exists to characterize properties of the sky background
tract long Skymap tract ID
x double pixel Centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm. Reference band.
xErr float pixel 1-sigma uncertainty on x position. Reference band.
xy_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Reference band.
y double pixel Centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm. Reference band.
yErr float pixel 1-sigma uncertainty on y position. Reference band.
g_ap03Flux float nJy Flux within 3.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap03FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 3.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap03Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on g-band.
g_ap06Flux float nJy Flux within 6.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap06FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 6.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap06Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on g-band.
g_ap09Flux float nJy Flux within 9.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap09FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 9.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap09Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on g-band.
g_ap12Flux float nJy Flux within 12.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap12FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 12.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap12Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on g-band.
g_ap17Flux float nJy Flux within 17.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap17FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 17.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap17Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on g-band.
g_ap25Flux float nJy Flux within 25.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap25FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 25.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap25Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on g-band.
g_ap35Flux float nJy Flux within 35.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap35FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 35.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap35Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on g-band.
g_ap50Flux float nJy Flux within 50.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap50FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 50.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap50Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on g-band.
g_ap70Flux float nJy Flux within 70.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap70FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 70.0-pixel aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_ap70Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on g-band.
g_apFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on g-band.
g_apFlux_flag_apertureTruncated boolean Aperture did not fit within measurement image. Measured on g-band.
g_apFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated boolean Full sinc coefficient image did not fit within measurement image. Measured on g-band.
g_bdChi2 float -ln(likelihood) (chi^2) in cmodel fit. Measured on g-band.
g_bdE1 float pixel**2 FracDev-weighted average of exp.ellipse and dev.ellipse. Measured on g-band.
g_bdE2 float pixel**2 FracDev-weighted average of exp.ellipse and dev.ellipse. Measured on g-band.
g_bdFluxB float nJy Flux from the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on g-band.
g_bdFluxBErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on g-band.
g_bdFluxD float nJy Flux from the exponential fit. Measured on g-band.
g_bdFluxDErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the exponential fit. Measured on g-band.
g_bdReB float pixel**2 Half-light ellipse of the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on g-band.
g_bdReD float pixel**2 Half-light ellipse of the exponential fit. Measured on g-band.
g_blendedness float Measure of how much the flux is affected by neighbors, (1 - child_flux/parent_flux). Operates on the absolute value of the pixels to try to obtain a de-noised value. See section 4.9.11 of Bosch et al. 2018, PASJ, 70, S5 for details. Measured on g-band.
g_blendedness_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on g-band.
g_cModelFlux float nJy Flux from the final cmodel fit. Forced on g-band.
g_cModelFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit. Forced on g-band.
g_cModelFlux_inner float nJy Flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation. Forced on g-band.
g_cModel_flag boolean Flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed. Forced on g-band.
g_cModel_flag_apCorr boolean Set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel. Forced on g-band.
g_calibFlux float nJy Flux within 12.0-pixel aperture. Measured on g-band.
g_calibFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 12.0-pixel aperture. Measured on g-band.
g_calibFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on g-band.
g_calibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated boolean Aperture did not fit within measurement image. Measured on g-band.
g_calibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated boolean Full sinc coefficient image did not fit within measurement image. Measured on g-band.
g_calib_astrometry_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on g-band.
g_calib_photometry_reserved boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on g-band.
g_calib_photometry_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on g-band.
g_calib_psf_candidate boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on g-band.
g_calib_psf_reserved boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on g-band.
g_calib_psf_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on g-band.
g_centroid_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on g-band.
g_centroid_x double pixel Centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm. Measured on g-band.
g_centroid_xErr float pixel 1-sigma uncertainty on x position. Measured on g-band.
g_centroid_y double pixel Centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm. Measured on g-band.
g_centroid_yErr float pixel 1-sigma uncertainty on y position. Measured on g-band.
g_dec double deg Position in declination, measured on g-band.
g_decErr float deg Error in declination, measured on g-band.
g_extendedness float Set to 1 for extended sources, 0 for point sources. Measured on g-band.
g_extendedness_flag boolean Set to 1 for any fatal failure. Measured on g-band.
g_sizeExtendedness float Moments-based measure of an object to be a galaxy. Measured on g-band.
g_sizeExtendedness_flag boolean Set to 1 for any fatal failure. Measured on g-band.
g_free_cModelFlux float nJy Flux from the final cmodel fit. Measured on g-band.
g_free_cModelFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit. Measured on g-band.
g_free_cModelFlux_flag boolean Flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed. Measured on g-band.
g_free_cModelFlux_inner float nJy Flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation. Measured on g-band.
g_free_psfFlux float nJy Flux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Measured on g-band.
g_free_psfFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Measured on g-band.
g_free_psfFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on g-band.
g_fwhm float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on g-band.
g_gaap0p7FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 0.7 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on g-band.
g_gaap1p0FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 1.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on g-band.
g_gaap1p5FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 1.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on g-band.
g_gaap2p5FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 2.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on g-band.
g_gaap3p0FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 3.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on g-band.
g_gaapOptimalFluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with optimal aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on g-band.
g_gaapPsfFluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with PSF aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on g-band.
g_gaapPsfFlux float nJy GAaP Flux with PSF aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on g-band.
g_gaapOptimalFlux float nJy GAaP Flux with optimal aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on g-band.
g_gaapOptimalFlux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_gaap0p7Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 0.7 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on g-band.
g_gaap0p7Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_gaap1p0Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 1.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on g-band.
g_gaap1p0Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_gaap1p5Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 1.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on g-band.
g_gaap1p5Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_gaap2p5Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 2.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on g-band.
g_gaap2p5Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_gaap3p0Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 3.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on g-band.
g_gaap3p0Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on g-band.
g_gaapFlux_flag boolean Set for any fatal failure. Forced on g-band.
g_gaapFlux_flag_edge boolean Source is too close to the edge. Forced on g-band.
g_gaapFlux_flag_gaussianization boolean PSF Gaussianization failed when trying to scale by this factor. Forced on g-band.
g_hsmShapeRegauss_e1 float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on g-band.
g_hsmShapeRegauss_e2 float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on g-band.
g_hsmShapeRegauss_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on g-band.
g_hsmShapeRegauss_sigma float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on g-band.
g_iDebiasedPSF_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on g-band.
g_iPSF_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on g-band.
g_iRound_flag boolean pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on g-band.
g_i_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on g-band.
g_inputCount int Number of images contributing at center, not including anyclipping. Forced on g-band.
g_inputCount_flag boolean Set for any fatal failure. Forced on g-band.
g_inputCount_flag_noInputs boolean No coadd inputs available. Forced on g-band.
g_ixx float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on g-band.
g_ixxDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on g-band.
g_ixxPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on g-band.
g_ixxRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on g-band.
g_ixy float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on g-band.
g_ixyDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on g-band.
g_ixyPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on g-band.
g_ixyRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on g-band.
g_iyy float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on g-band.
g_iyyDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on g-band.
g_iyyPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on g-band.
g_iyyRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_moments_30 float HSM higher order moments 30. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_momentsPsf_30 float HSM higher order PSF moments 30. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_moments_21 float HSM higher order moments 21. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_momentsPsf_21 float HSM higher order PSF moments 21. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_moments_12 float HSM higher order moments 12. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_momentsPsf_12 float HSM higher order PSF moments 12. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_moments_03 float HSM higher order moments 03. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_momentsPsf_03 float HSM higher order PSF moments 03. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_moments_40 float HSM higher order moments 40. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_momentsPsf_40 float HSM higher order PSF moments 40. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_moments_31 float HSM higher order moments 31. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_momentsPsf_31 float HSM higher order PSF moments 31. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_moments_22 float HSM higher order moments 22. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_momentsPsf_22 float HSM higher order PSF moments 22. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_moments_13 float HSM higher order moments 13. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_momentsPsf_13 float HSM higher order PSF moments 13. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_moments_04 float HSM higher order moments 04. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_momentsPsf_04 float HSM higher order PSF moments 04. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_moments_flag boolean General failure flag, to be used in conjunction with g_i_flag. Measured on g-band.
g_hsm_momentsPsf_flag boolean General failure flag, to be used in conjunction with g_iPSF_flag. Measured on g-band.
g_kronFlux float nJy Flux from Kron Flux algorithm. Measured on g-band.
g_kronFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from Kron Flux algorithm. Measured on g-band.
g_kronFlux_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on g-band.
g_kronFlux_flag_bad_radius boolean Bad Kron radius. Measured on g-band.
g_kronFlux_flag_bad_shape boolean Shape for measuring Kron radius is bad; used PSF shape. Measured on g-band.
g_kronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf boolean Bad shape and no PSF. Measured on g-band.
g_kronFlux_flag_edge boolean Bad measurement due to image edge. Measured on g-band.
g_kronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius boolean No minimum radius and no PSF provided. Measured on g-band.
g_kronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius boolean Minimum radius could not enforced, no minimum value or PSF. Measured on g-band.
g_kronFlux_flag_small_radius boolean Measured Kron radius was smaller than that of the PSF. Measured on g-band.
g_kronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius boolean Used the minimum radius for the Kron aperture. Measured on g-band.
g_kronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius boolean Used the PSF Kron radius for the Kron aperture. Measured on g-band.
g_kronRad float Kron radius (sqrt(a*b)). Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_bad boolean Bad pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_clipped boolean Source footprint includes CLIPPED pixels. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_clippedCenter boolean Source center is close to CLIPPED pixels. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_cr boolean Cosmic ray in the Source footprint. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_crCenter boolean Cosmic ray in the Source center. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_edge boolean Source is on the edge of an exposure region (masked EDGE). Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_inexact_psf boolean Source footprint includes INEXACT_PSF pixels. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter boolean Source center is close to INEXACT_PSF pixels. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_interpolated boolean Interpolated pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_interpolatedCenter boolean Interpolated pixel in the Source center. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_nodata boolean Source is outside usable exposure region (masked NO_DATA). Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_offimage boolean Source center is off image. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_saturated boolean Saturated pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_saturatedCenter boolean Saturated pixel in the Source center. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_sensor_edge boolean Source footprint includes SENSOR_EDGE pixels. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter boolean Source center is close to SENSOR_EDGE pixels. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_suspect boolean Sources footprint includes suspect pixels. Measured on g-band.
g_pixelFlags_suspectCenter boolean Sources center is close to suspect pixels. Measured on g-band.
g_invalidPsfFlag boolean This object has an invalid PSF (usually no inputs). Measured on g-band.
g_psfFlux float nJy Flux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Forced on g-band.
g_psfFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Forced on g-band.
g_psfFlux_area float pixel Effective area of PSF. Forced on g-band.
g_psfFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on g-band.
g_psfFlux_flag_apCorr boolean Set if unable to aperture correct base_PsfFlux. Forced on g-band.
g_psfFlux_flag_edge boolean Object was too close to the edge of the image to use the full PSF model. Forced on g-band.
g_psfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels boolean Not enough non-rejected pixels in data to attempt the fit. Forced on g-band.
g_ra double deg Position in right ascension, measured on g-band.
g_raErr float deg Error in right ascension, measured on g-band.
g_ra_dec_Cov float deg**2 Covariance between right ascension and declination, measured on g-band.
g_deblend_dataCoverage float Fraction of data that contained good data, ie. 1 - number of no data pixels/total number of pixels in the g-band.
g_deblend_blendedness float Blendedness in the deconvolved scarlet space
g_deblend_fluxOverlap float The total flux from neighboring objects that overlaps with this sources footprint in the deconvolved space.
g_deblend_fluxOverlapFraction float Fraction of flux from neighbors / source flux in the deconvolved footprint.
g_deblend_zeroFlux boolean True when there was no flux attributed to this object after flux redistribution in the deblender.
i_ap03Flux float nJy Flux within 3.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap03FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 3.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap03Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on i-band.
i_ap06Flux float nJy Flux within 6.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap06FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 6.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap06Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on i-band.
i_ap09Flux float nJy Flux within 9.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap09FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 9.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap09Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on i-band.
i_ap12Flux float nJy Flux within 12.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap12FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 12.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap12Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on i-band.
i_ap17Flux float nJy Flux within 17.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap17FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 17.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap17Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on i-band.
i_ap25Flux float nJy Flux within 25.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap25FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 25.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap25Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on i-band.
i_ap35Flux float nJy Flux within 35.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap35FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 35.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap35Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on i-band.
i_ap50Flux float nJy Flux within 50.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap50FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 50.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap50Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on i-band.
i_ap70Flux float nJy Flux within 70.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap70FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 70.0-pixel aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_ap70Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on i-band.
i_apFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on i-band.
i_apFlux_flag_apertureTruncated boolean Aperture did not fit within measurement image. Measured on i-band.
i_apFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated boolean Full sinc coefficient image did not fit within measurement image. Measured on i-band.
i_bdChi2 float -ln(likelihood) (chi^2) in cmodel fit. Measured on i-band.
i_bdE1 float pixel**2 FracDev-weighted average of exp.ellipse and dev.ellipse. Measured on i-band.
i_bdE2 float pixel**2 FracDev-weighted average of exp.ellipse and dev.ellipse. Measured on i-band.
i_bdFluxB float nJy Flux from the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on i-band.
i_bdFluxBErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on i-band.
i_bdFluxD float nJy Flux from the exponential fit. Measured on i-band.
i_bdFluxDErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the exponential fit. Measured on i-band.
i_bdReB float pixel**2 Half-light ellipse of the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on i-band.
i_bdReD float pixel**2 Half-light ellipse of the exponential fit. Measured on i-band.
i_blendedness float Measure of how much the flux is affected by neighbors, (1 - child_flux/parent_flux). Operates on the absolute value of the pixels to try to obtain a de-noised value. See section 4.9.11 of Bosch et al. 2018, PASJ, 70, S5 for details. Measured on i-band.
i_blendedness_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on i-band.
i_cModelFlux float nJy Flux from the final cmodel fit. Forced on i-band.
i_cModelFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit. Forced on i-band.
i_cModelFlux_inner float nJy Flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation. Forced on i-band.
i_cModel_flag boolean Flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed. Forced on i-band.
i_cModel_flag_apCorr boolean Set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel. Forced on i-band.
i_calibFlux float nJy Flux within 12.0-pixel aperture. Measured on i-band.
i_calibFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 12.0-pixel aperture. Measured on i-band.
i_calibFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on i-band.
i_calibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated boolean Aperture did not fit within measurement image. Measured on i-band.
i_calibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated boolean Full sinc coefficient image did not fit within measurement image. Measured on i-band.
i_calib_astrometry_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on i-band.
i_calib_photometry_reserved boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on i-band.
i_calib_photometry_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on i-band.
i_calib_psf_candidate boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on i-band.
i_calib_psf_reserved boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on i-band.
i_calib_psf_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on i-band.
i_centroid_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on i-band.
i_centroid_x double pixel Centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm. Measured on i-band.
i_centroid_xErr float pixel 1-sigma uncertainty on x position. Measured on i-band.
i_centroid_y double pixel Centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm. Measured on i-band.
i_centroid_yErr float pixel 1-sigma uncertainty on y position. Measured on i-band.
i_dec double deg Position in declination, measured on i-band.
i_decErr float deg Error in declination, measured on i-band.
i_extendedness float Set to 1 for extended sources, 0 for point sources. Measured on i-band.
i_extendedness_flag boolean Set to 1 for any fatal failure. Measured on i-band.
i_sizeExtendedness float Moments-based measure of an object to be a galaxy. Measured on i-band.
i_sizeExtendedness_flag boolean Set to 1 for any fatal failure. Measured on i-band.
i_free_cModelFlux float nJy Flux from the final cmodel fit. Measured on i-band.
i_free_cModelFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit. Measured on i-band.
i_free_cModelFlux_flag boolean Flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed. Measured on i-band.
i_free_cModelFlux_inner float nJy Flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation. Measured on i-band.
i_free_psfFlux float nJy Flux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Measured on i-band.
i_free_psfFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Measured on i-band.
i_free_psfFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on i-band.
i_fwhm float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on i-band.
i_gaap0p7FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 0.7 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on i-band.
i_gaap1p0FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 1.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on i-band.
i_gaap1p5FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 1.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on i-band.
i_gaap2p5FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 2.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on i-band.
i_gaap3p0FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 3.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on i-band.
i_gaapOptimalFluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with optimal aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on i-band.
i_gaapPsfFluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with PSF aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on i-band.
i_gaapPsfFlux float nJy GAaP Flux with PSF aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on i-band.
i_gaapOptimalFlux float nJy GAaP Flux with optimal aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on i-band.
i_gaapOptimalFlux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_gaap0p7Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 0.7 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on i-band.
i_gaap0p7Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_gaap1p0Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 1.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on i-band.
i_gaap1p0Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_gaap1p5Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 1.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on i-band.
i_gaap1p5Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_gaap2p5Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 2.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on i-band.
i_gaap2p5Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_gaap3p0Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 3.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on i-band.
i_gaap3p0Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on i-band.
i_gaapFlux_flag boolean Set for any fatal failure. Forced on i-band.
i_gaapFlux_flag_edge boolean Source is too close to the edge. Forced on i-band.
i_gaapFlux_flag_gaussianization boolean PSF Gaussianization failed when trying to scale by this factor. Forced on i-band.
i_hsmShapeRegauss_e1 float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on i-band.
i_hsmShapeRegauss_e2 float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on i-band.
i_hsmShapeRegauss_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on i-band.
i_hsmShapeRegauss_sigma float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on i-band.
i_iDebiasedPSF_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on i-band.
i_iPSF_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on i-band.
i_iRound_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on i-band.
i_i_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on i-band.
i_inputCount int Number of images contributing at center, not including anyclipping. Forced on i-band.
i_inputCount_flag boolean Set for any fatal failure. Forced on i-band.
i_inputCount_flag_noInputs boolean No coadd inputs available. Forced on i-band.
i_ixx float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on i-band.
i_ixxDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on i-band.
i_ixxPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on i-band.
i_ixxRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on i-band.
i_ixy float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on i-band.
i_ixyDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on i-band.
i_ixyPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on i-band.
i_ixyRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on i-band.
i_iyy float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on i-band.
i_iyyDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on i-band.
i_iyyPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on i-band.
i_iyyRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_moments_30 float HSM higher order moments 30. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_momentsPsf_30 float HSM higher order PSF moments 30. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_moments_21 float HSM higher order moments 21. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_momentsPsf_21 float HSM higher order PSF moments 21. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_moments_12 float HSM higher order moments 12. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_momentsPsf_12 float HSM higher order PSF moments 12. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_moments_03 float HSM higher order moments 03. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_momentsPsf_03 float HSM higher order PSF moments 03. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_moments_40 float HSM higher order moments 40. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_momentsPsf_40 float HSM higher order PSF moments 40. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_moments_31 float HSM higher order moments 31. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_momentsPsf_31 float HSM higher order PSF moments 31. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_moments_22 float HSM higher order moments 22. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_momentsPsf_22 float HSM higher order PSF moments 22. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_moments_13 float HSM higher order moments 13. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_momentsPsf_13 float HSM higher order PSF moments 13. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_moments_04 float HSM higher order moments 04. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_momentsPsf_04 float HSM higher order PSF moments 04. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_moments_flag boolean General failure flag, to be used in conjunction with i_i_flag. Measured on i-band.
i_hsm_momentsPsf_flag boolean General failure flag, to be used in conjunction with i_iPSF_flag. Measured on i-band.
i_kronFlux float nJy Flux from Kron Flux algorithm. Measured on i-band.
i_kronFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from Kron Flux algorithm. Measured on i-band.
i_kronFlux_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on i-band.
i_kronFlux_flag_bad_radius boolean Bad Kron radius. Measured on i-band.
i_kronFlux_flag_bad_shape boolean Shape for measuring Kron radius is bad; used PSF shape. Measured on i-band.
i_kronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf boolean Bad shape and no PSF. Measured on i-band.
i_kronFlux_flag_edge boolean Bad measurement due to image edge. Measured on i-band.
i_kronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius boolean No minimum radius and no PSF provided. Measured on i-band.
i_kronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius boolean Minimum radius could not enforced, no minimum value or PSF. Measured on i-band.
i_kronFlux_flag_small_radius boolean Measured Kron radius was smaller than that of the PSF. Measured on i-band.
i_kronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius boolean Used the minimum radius for the Kron aperture. Measured on i-band.
i_kronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius boolean Used the PSF Kron radius for the Kron aperture. Measured on i-band.
i_kronRad float Kron radius (sqrt(a*b)). Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_bad boolean Bad pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_clipped boolean Source footprint includes CLIPPED pixels. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_clippedCenter boolean Source center is close to CLIPPED pixels. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_cr boolean Cosmic ray in the Source footprint. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_crCenter boolean Cosmic ray in the Source center. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_edge boolean Source is on the edge of an exposure region (masked EDGE). Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_inexact_psf boolean Source footprint includes INEXACT_PSF pixels. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter boolean Source center is close to INEXACT_PSF pixels. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_interpolated boolean Interpolated pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_interpolatedCenter boolean Interpolated pixel in the Source center. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_nodata boolean Source is outside usable exposure region (masked NO_DATA). Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_offimage boolean Source center is off image. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_saturated boolean Saturated pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_saturatedCenter boolean Saturated pixel in the Source center. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_sensor_edge boolean Source footprint includes SENSOR_EDGE pixels. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter boolean Source center is close to SENSOR_EDGE pixels. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_suspect boolean Sources footprint includes suspect pixels. Measured on i-band.
i_pixelFlags_suspectCenter boolean Sources center is close to suspect pixels. Measured on i-band.
i_invalidPsfFlag boolean This object has an invalid PSF (usually no inputs). Measured on i-band.
i_psfFlux float nJy Flux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Forced on i-band.
i_psfFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Forced on i-band.
i_psfFlux_area float pixel Effective area of PSF. Forced on i-band.
i_psfFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on i-band.
i_psfFlux_flag_apCorr boolean Set if unable to aperture correct base_PsfFlux. Forced on i-band.
i_psfFlux_flag_edge boolean Object was too close to the edge of the image to use the full PSF model. Forced on i-band.
i_psfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels boolean Not enough non-rejected pixels in data to attempt the fit. Forced on i-band.
i_ra double deg Position in right ascension, measured on i-band.
i_raErr float deg Error in right ascension, measured on i-band.
i_ra_dec_Cov float deg**2 Covariance between right ascension and declination, measured on i-band.
i_deblend_dataCoverage float Fraction of data that contained good data, ie. 1 - number of no data pixels/total number of pixels in the i-band.
i_deblend_blendedness float Blendedness in the deconvolved scarlet space
i_deblend_fluxOverlap float The total flux from neighboring objects that overlaps with this sources footprint in the deconvolved space.
i_deblend_fluxOverlapFraction float Fraction of flux from neighbors / source flux in the deconvolved footprint.
i_deblend_zeroFlux boolean True when there was no flux attributed to this object after flux redistribution in the deblender.
r_ap03Flux float nJy Flux within 3.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap03FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 3.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap03Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on r-band.
r_ap06Flux float nJy Flux within 6.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap06FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 6.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap06Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on r-band.
r_ap09Flux float nJy Flux within 9.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap09FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 9.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap09Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on r-band.
r_ap12Flux float nJy Flux within 12.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap12FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 12.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap12Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on r-band.
r_ap17Flux float nJy Flux within 17.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap17FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 17.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap17Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on r-band.
r_ap25Flux float nJy Flux within 25.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap25FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 25.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap25Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on r-band.
r_ap35Flux float nJy Flux within 35.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap35FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 35.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap35Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on r-band.
r_ap50Flux float nJy Flux within 50.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap50FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 50.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap50Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on r-band.
r_ap70Flux float nJy Flux within 70.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap70FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 70.0-pixel aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_ap70Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on r-band.
r_apFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on r-band.
r_apFlux_flag_apertureTruncated boolean Aperture did not fit within measurement image. Measured on r-band.
r_apFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated boolean Full sinc coefficient image did not fit within measurement image. Measured on r-band.
r_bdChi2 float -ln(likelihood) (chi^2) in cmodel fit. Measured on r-band.
r_bdE1 float pixel**2 FracDev-weighted average of exp.ellipse and dev.ellipse. Measured on r-band.
r_bdE2 float pixel**2 FracDev-weighted average of exp.ellipse and dev.ellipse. Measured on r-band.
r_bdFluxB float nJy Flux from the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on r-band.
r_bdFluxBErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on r-band.
r_bdFluxD float nJy Flux from the exponential fit. Measured on r-band.
r_bdFluxDErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the exponential fit. Measured on r-band.
r_bdReB float pixel**2 Half-light ellipse of the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on r-band.
r_bdReD float pixel**2 Half-light ellipse of the exponential fit. Measured on r-band.
r_blendedness float Measure of how much the flux is affected by neighbors, (1 - child_flux/parent_flux). Operates on the absolute value of the pixels to try to obtain a de-noised value. See section 4.9.11 of Bosch et al. 2018, PASJ, 70, S5 for details. Measured on r-band.
r_blendedness_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on r-band.
r_cModelFlux float nJy Flux from the final cmodel fit. Forced on r-band.
r_cModelFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit. Forced on r-band.
r_cModelFlux_inner float nJy Flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation. Forced on r-band.
r_cModel_flag boolean Flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed. Forced on r-band.
r_cModel_flag_apCorr boolean Set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel. Forced on r-band.
r_calibFlux float nJy Flux within 12.0-pixel aperture. Measured on r-band.
r_calibFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 12.0-pixel aperture. Measured on r-band.
r_calibFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on r-band.
r_calibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated boolean Aperture did not fit within measurement image. Measured on r-band.
r_calibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated boolean Full sinc coefficient image did not fit within measurement image. Measured on r-band.
r_calib_astrometry_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on r-band.
r_calib_photometry_reserved boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on r-band.
r_calib_photometry_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on r-band.
r_calib_psf_candidate boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on r-band.
r_calib_psf_reserved boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on r-band.
r_calib_psf_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on r-band.
r_centroid_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on r-band.
r_centroid_x double pixel Centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm. Measured on r-band.
r_centroid_xErr float pixel 1-sigma uncertainty on x position. Measured on r-band.
r_centroid_y double pixel Centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm. Measured on r-band.
r_centroid_yErr float pixel 1-sigma uncertainty on y position. Measured on r-band.
r_dec double deg Position in declination, measured on r-band.
r_decErr float deg Error in declination, measured on r-band.
r_extendedness float Set to 1 for extended sources, 0 for point sources. Measured on r-band.
r_extendedness_flag boolean Set to 1 for any fatal failure. Measured on r-band.
r_sizeExtendedness float Moments-based measure of an object to be a galaxy. Measured on r-band.
r_sizeExtendedness_flag boolean Set to 1 for any fatal failure. Measured on r-band.
r_free_cModelFlux float nJy Flux from the final cmodel fit. Measured on r-band.
r_free_cModelFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit. Measured on r-band.
r_free_cModelFlux_flag boolean Flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed. Measured on r-band.
r_free_cModelFlux_inner float nJy Flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation. Measured on r-band.
r_free_psfFlux float nJy Flux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Measured on r-band.
r_free_psfFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Measured on r-band.
r_free_psfFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on r-band.
r_fwhm float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on r-band.
r_gaap0p7FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 0.7 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on r-band.
r_gaap1p0FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 1.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on r-band.
r_gaap1p5FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 1.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on r-band.
r_gaap2p5FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 2.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on r-band.
r_gaap3p0FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 3.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on r-band.
r_gaapOptimalFluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with optimal aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on r-band.
r_gaapPsfFluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with PSF aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on r-band.
r_gaapPsfFlux float nJy GAaP Flux with PSF aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on r-band.
r_gaapOptimalFlux float nJy GAaP Flux with optimal aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on r-band.
r_gaapOptimalFlux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_gaap0p7Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 0.7 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on r-band.
r_gaap0p7Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_gaap1p0Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 1.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on r-band.
r_gaap1p0Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_gaap1p5Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 1.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on r-band.
r_gaap1p5Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_gaap2p5Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 2.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on r-band.
r_gaap2p5Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_gaap3p0Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 3.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on r-band.
r_gaap3p0Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on r-band.
r_gaapFlux_flag boolean Set for any fatal failure. Forced on r-band.
r_gaapFlux_flag_edge boolean Source is too close to the edge. Forced on r-band.
r_gaapFlux_flag_gaussianization boolean PSF Gaussianization failed when trying to scale by this factor. Forced on r-band.
r_hsmShapeRegauss_e1 float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on r-band.
r_hsmShapeRegauss_e2 float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on r-band.
r_hsmShapeRegauss_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on r-band.
r_hsmShapeRegauss_sigma float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on r-band.
r_iDebiasedPSF_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on r-band.
r_iPSF_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on r-band.
r_iRound_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on r-band.
r_i_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on r-band.
r_inputCount int Number of images contributing at center, not including anyclipping. Forced on r-band.
r_inputCount_flag boolean Set for any fatal failure. Forced on r-band.
r_inputCount_flag_noInputs boolean No coadd inputs available. Forced on r-band.
r_ixx float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on r-band.
r_ixxDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on r-band.
r_ixxPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on r-band.
r_ixxRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on r-band.
r_ixy float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on r-band.
r_ixyDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on r-band.
r_ixyPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on r-band.
r_ixyRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on r-band.
r_iyy float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on r-band.
r_iyyDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on r-band.
r_iyyPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on r-band.
r_iyyRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_moments_30 float HSM higher order moments 30. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_momentsPsf_30 float HSM higher order PSF moments 30. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_moments_21 float HSM higher order moments 21. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_momentsPsf_21 float HSM higher order PSF moments 21. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_moments_12 float HSM higher order moments 12. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_momentsPsf_12 float HSM higher order PSF moments 12. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_moments_03 float HSM higher order moments 03. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_momentsPsf_03 float HSM higher order PSF moments 03. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_moments_40 float HSM higher order moments 40. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_momentsPsf_40 float HSM higher order PSF moments 40. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_moments_31 float HSM higher order moments 31. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_momentsPsf_31 float HSM higher order PSF moments 31. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_moments_22 float HSM higher order moments 22. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_momentsPsf_22 float HSM higher order PSF moments 22. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_moments_13 float HSM higher order moments 13. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_momentsPsf_13 float HSM higher order PSF moments 13. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_moments_04 float HSM higher order moments 04. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_momentsPsf_04 float HSM higher order PSF moments 04. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_moments_flag boolean General failure flag, to be used in conjunction with r_i_flag. Measured on r-band.
r_hsm_momentsPsf_flag boolean General failure flag, to be used in conjunction with r_iPSF_flag. Measured on r-band.
r_kronFlux float nJy Flux from Kron Flux algorithm. Measured on r-band.
r_kronFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from Kron Flux algorithm. Measured on r-band.
r_kronFlux_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on r-band.
r_kronFlux_flag_bad_radius boolean Bad Kron radius. Measured on r-band.
r_kronFlux_flag_bad_shape boolean Shape for measuring Kron radius is bad; used PSF shape. Measured on r-band.
r_kronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf boolean Bad shape and no PSF. Measured on r-band.
r_kronFlux_flag_edge boolean Bad measurement due to image edge. Measured on r-band.
r_kronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius boolean No minimum radius and no PSF provided. Measured on r-band.
r_kronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius boolean Minimum radius could not enforced, no minimum value or PSF. Measured on r-band.
r_kronFlux_flag_small_radius boolean Measured Kron radius was smaller than that of the PSF. Measured on r-band.
r_kronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius boolean Used the minimum radius for the Kron aperture. Measured on r-band.
r_kronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius boolean Used the PSF Kron radius for the Kron aperture. Measured on r-band.
r_kronRad float Kron radius (sqrt(a*b)). Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_bad boolean Bad pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_clipped boolean Source footprint includes CLIPPED pixels. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_clippedCenter boolean Source center is close to CLIPPED pixels. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_cr boolean Cosmic ray in the Source footprint. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_crCenter boolean Cosmic ray in the Source center. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_edge boolean Source is on the edge of an exposure region (masked EDGE). Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_inexact_psf boolean Source footprint includes INEXACT_PSF pixels. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter boolean Source center is close to INEXACT_PSF pixels. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_interpolated boolean Interpolated pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_interpolatedCenter boolean Interpolated pixel in the Source center. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_nodata boolean Source is outside usable exposure region (masked NO_DATA). Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_offimage boolean Source center is off image. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_saturated boolean Saturated pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_saturatedCenter boolean Saturated pixel in the Source center. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_sensor_edge boolean Source footprint includes SENSOR_EDGE pixels. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter boolean Source center is close to SENSOR_EDGE pixels. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_suspect boolean Sources footprint includes suspect pixels. Measured on r-band.
r_pixelFlags_suspectCenter boolean Sources center is close to suspect pixels. Measured on r-band.
r_invalidPsfFlag boolean This object has an invalid PSF (usually no inputs). Measured on r-band.
r_psfFlux float nJy Flux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Forced on r-band.
r_psfFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Forced on r-band.
r_psfFlux_area float pixel Effective area of PSF. Forced on r-band.
r_psfFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on r-band.
r_psfFlux_flag_apCorr boolean Set if unable to aperture correct base_PsfFlux. Forced on r-band.
r_psfFlux_flag_edge boolean Object was too close to the edge of the image to use the full PSF model. Forced on r-band.
r_psfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels boolean Not enough non-rejected pixels in data to attempt the fit. Forced on r-band.
r_ra double deg Position in right ascension, measured on r-band.
r_raErr float deg Error in right ascension, measured on r-band.
r_ra_dec_Cov float deg**2 Covariance between right ascension and declination, measured on r-band.
r_deblend_dataCoverage float Fraction of data that contained good data, ie. 1 - number of no data pixels/total number of pixels in the r-band.
r_deblend_blendedness float Blendedness in the deconvolved scarlet space
r_deblend_fluxOverlap float The total flux from neighboring objects that overlaps with this sources footprint in the deconvolved space.
r_deblend_fluxOverlapFraction float Fraction of flux from neighbors / source flux in the deconvolved footprint.
r_deblend_zeroFlux boolean True when there was no flux attributed to this object after flux redistribution in the deblender.
y_ap03Flux float nJy Flux within 3.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap03FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 3.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap03Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on y-band.
y_ap06Flux float nJy Flux within 6.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap06FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 6.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap06Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on y-band.
y_ap09Flux float nJy Flux within 9.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap09FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 9.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap09Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on y-band.
y_ap12Flux float nJy Flux within 12.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap12FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 12.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap12Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on y-band.
y_ap17Flux float nJy Flux within 17.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap17FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 17.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap17Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on y-band.
y_ap25Flux float nJy Flux within 25.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap25FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 25.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap25Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on y-band.
y_ap35Flux float nJy Flux within 35.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap35FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 35.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap35Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on y-band.
y_ap50Flux float nJy Flux within 50.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap50FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 50.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap50Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on y-band.
y_ap70Flux float nJy Flux within 70.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap70FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 70.0-pixel aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_ap70Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on y-band.
y_apFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on y-band.
y_apFlux_flag_apertureTruncated boolean Aperture did not fit within measurement image. Measured on y-band.
y_apFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated boolean Full sinc coefficient image did not fit within measurement image. Measured on y-band.
y_bdChi2 float -ln(likelihood) (chi^2) in cmodel fit. Measured on y-band.
y_bdE1 float pixel**2 FracDev-weighted average of exp.ellipse and dev.ellipse. Measured on y-band.
y_bdE2 float pixel**2 FracDev-weighted average of exp.ellipse and dev.ellipse. Measured on y-band.
y_bdFluxB float nJy Flux from the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on y-band.
y_bdFluxBErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on y-band.
y_bdFluxD float nJy Flux from the exponential fit. Measured on y-band.
y_bdFluxDErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the exponential fit. Measured on y-band.
y_bdReB float pixel**2 Half-light ellipse of the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on y-band.
y_bdReD float pixel**2 Half-light ellipse of the exponential fit. Measured on y-band.
y_blendedness float Measure of how much the flux is affected by neighbors, (1 - child_flux/parent_flux). Operates on the absolute value of the pixels to try to obtain a de-noised value. See section 4.9.11 of Bosch et al. 2018, PASJ, 70, S5 for details. Measured on y-band.
y_blendedness_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on y-band.
y_cModelFlux float nJy Flux from the final cmodel fit. Forced on y-band.
y_cModelFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit. Forced on y-band.
y_cModelFlux_inner float nJy Flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation. Forced on y-band.
y_cModel_flag boolean Flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed. Forced on y-band.
y_cModel_flag_apCorr boolean Set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel. Forced on y-band.
y_calibFlux float nJy Flux within 12.0-pixel aperture. Measured on y-band.
y_calibFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 12.0-pixel aperture. Measured on y-band.
y_calibFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on y-band.
y_calibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated boolean Aperture did not fit within measurement image. Measured on y-band.
y_calibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated boolean Full sinc coefficient image did not fit within measurement image. Measured on y-band.
y_calib_astrometry_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on y-band.
y_calib_photometry_reserved boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on y-band.
y_calib_photometry_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on y-band.
y_calib_psf_candidate boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on y-band.
y_calib_psf_reserved boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on y-band.
y_calib_psf_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on y-band.
y_centroid_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on y-band.
y_centroid_x double pixel Centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm. Measured on y-band.
y_centroid_xErr float pixel 1-sigma uncertainty on x position. Measured on y-band.
y_centroid_y double pixel Centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm. Measured on y-band.
y_centroid_yErr float pixel 1-sigma uncertainty on y position. Measured on y-band.
y_dec double deg Position in declination, measured on y-band.
y_decErr float deg Error in declination, measured on y-band.
y_extendedness float Set to 1 for extended sources, 0 for point sources. Measured on y-band.
y_extendedness_flag boolean Set to 1 for any fatal failure. Measured on y-band.
y_sizeExtendedness float Moments-based measure of an object to be a galaxy. Measured on y-band.
y_sizeExtendedness_flag boolean Set to 1 for any fatal failure. Measured on y-band.
y_free_cModelFlux float nJy Flux from the final cmodel fit. Measured on y-band.
y_free_cModelFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit. Measured on y-band.
y_free_cModelFlux_flag boolean Flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed. Measured on y-band.
y_free_cModelFlux_inner float nJy Flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation. Measured on y-band.
y_free_psfFlux float nJy Flux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Measured on y-band.
y_free_psfFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Measured on y-band.
y_free_psfFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on y-band.
y_fwhm float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on y-band.
y_gaap0p7FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 0.7 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on y-band.
y_gaap1p0FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 1.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on y-band.
y_gaap1p5FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 1.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on y-band.
y_gaap2p5FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 2.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on y-band.
y_gaap3p0FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 3.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on y-band.
y_gaapOptimalFluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with optimal aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on y-band.
y_gaapPsfFluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with PSF aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on y-band.
y_gaapPsfFlux float nJy GAaP Flux with PSF aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on y-band.
y_gaapOptimalFlux float nJy GAaP Flux with optimal aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on y-band.
y_gaapOptimalFlux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_gaap0p7Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 0.7 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on y-band.
y_gaap0p7Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_gaap1p0Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 1.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on y-band.
y_gaap1p0Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_gaap1p5Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 1.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on y-band.
y_gaap1p5Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_gaap2p5Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 2.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on y-band.
y_gaap2p5Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_gaap3p0Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 3.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on y-band.
y_gaap3p0Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on y-band.
y_gaapFlux_flag boolean Set for any fatal failure. Forced on y-band.
y_gaapFlux_flag_edge boolean Source is too close to the edge. Forced on y-band.
y_gaapFlux_flag_gaussianization boolean PSF Gaussianization failed when trying to scale by this factor. Forced on y-band.
y_hsmShapeRegauss_e1 float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on y-band.
y_hsmShapeRegauss_e2 float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on y-band.
y_hsmShapeRegauss_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on y-band.
y_hsmShapeRegauss_sigma float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on y-band.
y_iDebiasedPSF_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on y-band.
y_iPSF_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on y-band.
y_iRound_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on y-band.
y_i_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on y-band.
y_inputCount int Number of images contributing at center, not including anyclipping. Forced on y-band.
y_inputCount_flag boolean Set for any fatal failure. Forced on y-band.
y_inputCount_flag_noInputs boolean No coadd inputs available. Forced on y-band.
y_ixx float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on y-band.
y_ixxDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on y-band.
y_ixxPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on y-band.
y_ixxRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on y-band.
y_ixy float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on y-band.
y_ixyDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on y-band.
y_ixyPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on y-band.
y_ixyRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on y-band.
y_iyy float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on y-band.
y_iyyDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on y-band.
y_iyyPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on y-band.
y_iyyRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_moments_30 float HSM higher order moments 30. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_momentsPsf_30 float HSM higher order PSF moments 30. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_moments_21 float HSM higher order moments 21. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_momentsPsf_21 float HSM higher order PSF moments 21. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_moments_12 float HSM higher order moments 12. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_momentsPsf_12 float HSM higher order PSF moments 12. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_moments_03 float HSM higher order moments 03. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_momentsPsf_03 float HSM higher order PSF moments 03. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_moments_40 float HSM higher order moments 40. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_momentsPsf_40 float HSM higher order PSF moments 40. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_moments_31 float HSM higher order moments 31. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_momentsPsf_31 float HSM higher order PSF moments 31. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_moments_22 float HSM higher order moments 22. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_momentsPsf_22 float HSM higher order PSF moments 22. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_moments_13 float HSM higher order moments 13. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_momentsPsf_13 float HSM higher order PSF moments 13. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_moments_04 float HSM higher order moments 04. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_momentsPsf_04 float HSM higher order PSF moments 04. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_moments_flag boolean General failure flag, to be used in conjunction with y_i_flag. Measured on y-band.
y_hsm_momentsPsf_flag boolean General failure flag, to be used in conjunction with y_iPSF_flag. Measured on y-band.
y_kronFlux float nJy Flux from Kron Flux algorithm. Measured on y-band.
y_kronFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from Kron Flux algorithm. Measured on y-band.
y_kronFlux_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on y-band.
y_kronFlux_flag_bad_radius boolean Bad Kron radius. Measured on y-band.
y_kronFlux_flag_bad_shape boolean Shape for measuring Kron radius is bad; used PSF shape. Measured on y-band.
y_kronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf boolean Bad shape and no PSF. Measured on y-band.
y_kronFlux_flag_edge boolean Bad measurement due to image edge. Measured on y-band.
y_kronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius boolean No minimum radius and no PSF provided. Measured on y-band.
y_kronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius boolean Minimum radius could not enforced, no minimum value or PSF. Measured on y-band.
y_kronFlux_flag_small_radius boolean Measured Kron radius was smaller than that of the PSF. Measured on y-band.
y_kronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius boolean Used the minimum radius for the Kron aperture. Measured on y-band.
y_kronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius boolean Used the PSF Kron radius for the Kron aperture. Measured on y-band.
y_kronRad float Kron radius (sqrt(a*b)). Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_bad boolean Bad pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_clipped boolean Source footprint includes CLIPPED pixels. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_clippedCenter boolean Source center is close to CLIPPED pixels. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_cr boolean Cosmic ray in the Source footprint. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_crCenter boolean Cosmic ray in the Source center. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_edge boolean Source is on the edge of an exposure region (masked EDGE). Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_inexact_psf boolean Source footprint includes INEXACT_PSF pixels. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter boolean Source center is close to INEXACT_PSF pixels. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_interpolated boolean Interpolated pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_interpolatedCenter boolean Interpolated pixel in the Source center. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_nodata boolean Source is outside usable exposure region (masked NO_DATA). Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_offimage boolean Source center is off image. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_saturated boolean Saturated pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_saturatedCenter boolean Saturated pixel in the Source center. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_sensor_edge boolean Source footprint includes SENSOR_EDGE pixels. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter boolean Source center is close to SENSOR_EDGE pixels. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_suspect boolean Sources footprint includes suspect pixels. Measured on y-band.
y_pixelFlags_suspectCenter boolean Sources center is close to suspect pixels. Measured on y-band.
y_invalidPsfFlag boolean This object has an invalid PSF (usually no inputs). Measured on y-band.
y_psfFlux float nJy Flux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Forced on y-band.
y_psfFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Forced on y-band.
y_psfFlux_area float pixel Effective area of PSF. Forced on y-band.
y_psfFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on y-band.
y_psfFlux_flag_apCorr boolean Set if unable to aperture correct base_PsfFlux. Forced on y-band.
y_psfFlux_flag_edge boolean Object was too close to the edge of the image to use the full PSF model. Forced on y-band.
y_psfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels boolean Not enough non-rejected pixels in data to attempt the fit. Forced on y-band.
y_ra double deg Position in right ascension, measured on y-band.
y_raErr float deg Error in right ascension, measured on y-band.
y_ra_dec_Cov float deg**2 Covariance between right ascension and declination, measured on y-band.
y_deblend_dataCoverage float Fraction of data that contained good data, ie. 1 - number of no data pixels/total number of pixels in the y-band.
y_deblend_blendedness float Blendedness in the deconvolved scarlet space
y_deblend_fluxOverlap float The total flux from neighboring objects that overlaps with this sources footprint in the deconvolved space.
y_deblend_fluxOverlapFraction float Fraction of flux from neighbors / source flux in the deconvolved footprint.
y_deblend_zeroFlux boolean True when there was no flux attributed to this object after flux redistribution in the deblender.
z_ap03Flux float nJy Flux within 3.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap03FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 3.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap03Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on z-band.
z_ap06Flux float nJy Flux within 6.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap06FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 6.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap06Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on z-band.
z_ap09Flux float nJy Flux within 9.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap09FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 9.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap09Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on z-band.
z_ap12Flux float nJy Flux within 12.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap12FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 12.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap12Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on z-band.
z_ap17Flux float nJy Flux within 17.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap17FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 17.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap17Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on z-band.
z_ap25Flux float nJy Flux within 25.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap25FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 25.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap25Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on z-band.
z_ap35Flux float nJy Flux within 35.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap35FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 35.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap35Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on z-band.
z_ap50Flux float nJy Flux within 50.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap50FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 50.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap50Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on z-band.
z_ap70Flux float nJy Flux within 70.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap70FluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 70.0-pixel aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_ap70Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on z-band.
z_apFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on z-band.
z_apFlux_flag_apertureTruncated boolean Aperture did not fit within measurement image. Measured on z-band.
z_apFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated boolean Full sinc coefficient image did not fit within measurement image. Measured on z-band.
z_bdChi2 float -ln(likelihood) (chi^2) in cmodel fit. Measured on z-band.
z_bdE1 float pixel**2 FracDev-weighted average of exp.ellipse and dev.ellipse. Measured on z-band.
z_bdE2 float pixel**2 FracDev-weighted average of exp.ellipse and dev.ellipse. Measured on z-band.
z_bdFluxB float nJy Flux from the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on z-band.
z_bdFluxBErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on z-band.
z_bdFluxD float nJy Flux from the exponential fit. Measured on z-band.
z_bdFluxDErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the exponential fit. Measured on z-band.
z_bdReB float pixel**2 Half-light ellipse of the de Vaucouleur fit. Measured on z-band.
z_bdReD float pixel**2 Half-light ellipse of the exponential fit. Measured on z-band.
z_blendedness float Measure of how much the flux is affected by neighbors, (1 - child_flux/parent_flux). Operates on the absolute value of the pixels to try to obtain a de-noised value. See section 4.9.11 of Bosch et al. 2018, PASJ, 70, S5 for details. Measured on z-band.
z_blendedness_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on z-band.
z_cModelFlux float nJy Flux from the final cmodel fit. Forced on z-band.
z_cModelFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit. Forced on z-band.
z_cModelFlux_inner float nJy Flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation. Forced on z-band.
z_cModel_flag boolean Flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed. Forced on z-band.
z_cModel_flag_apCorr boolean Set if unable to aperture correct modelfit_CModel. Forced on z-band.
z_calibFlux float nJy Flux within 12.0-pixel aperture. Measured on z-band.
z_calibFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty within 12.0-pixel aperture. Measured on z-band.
z_calibFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on z-band.
z_calibFlux_flag_apertureTruncated boolean Aperture did not fit within measurement image. Measured on z-band.
z_calibFlux_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated boolean Full sinc coefficient image did not fit within measurement image. Measured on z-band.
z_calib_astrometry_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on z-band.
z_calib_photometry_reserved boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on z-band.
z_calib_photometry_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on z-band.
z_calib_psf_candidate boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on z-band.
z_calib_psf_reserved boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on z-band.
z_calib_psf_used boolean Propagated from sources. Measured on z-band.
z_centroid_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on z-band.
z_centroid_x double pixel Centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm. Measured on z-band.
z_centroid_xErr float pixel 1-sigma uncertainty on x position. Measured on z-band.
z_centroid_y double pixel Centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm. Measured on z-band.
z_centroid_yErr float pixel 1-sigma uncertainty on y position. Measured on z-band.
z_dec double deg Position in declination, measured on z-band.
z_decErr float deg Error in declination, measured on z-band.
z_extendedness float Set to 1 for extended sources, 0 for point sources. Measured on z-band.
z_extendedness_flag boolean Set to 1 for any fatal failure. Measured on z-band.
z_sizeExtendedness float Moments-based measure of an object to be a galaxy. Measured on z-band.
z_sizeExtendedness_flag boolean Set to 1 for any fatal failure. Measured on z-band.
z_free_cModelFlux float nJy Flux from the final cmodel fit. Measured on z-band.
z_free_cModelFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from the final cmodel fit. Measured on z-band.
z_free_cModelFlux_flag boolean Flag set if the final cmodel fit (or any previous fit) failed. Measured on z-band.
z_free_cModelFlux_inner float nJy Flux within the fit region, with no extrapolation. Measured on z-band.
z_free_psfFlux float nJy Flux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Measured on z-band.
z_free_psfFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Measured on z-band.
z_free_psfFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Measured on z-band.
z_fwhm float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on z-band.
z_gaap0p7FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 0.7 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on z-band.
z_gaap1p0FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 1.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on z-band.
z_gaap1p5FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 1.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on z-band.
z_gaap2p5FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 2.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on z-band.
z_gaap3p0FluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with 3.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on z-band.
z_gaapOptimalFluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with optimal aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on z-band.
z_gaapPsfFluxErr float nJy GAaP Flux uncertainty with PSF aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on z-band.
z_gaapPsfFlux float nJy GAaP Flux with PSF aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on z-band.
z_gaapOptimalFlux float nJy GAaP Flux with optimal aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on z-band.
z_gaapOptimalFlux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_gaap0p7Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 0.7 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on z-band.
z_gaap0p7Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_gaap1p0Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 1.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on z-band.
z_gaap1p0Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_gaap1p5Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 1.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on z-band.
z_gaap1p5Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_gaap2p5Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 2.5 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on z-band.
z_gaap2p5Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_gaap3p0Flux float nJy GAaP Flux with 3.0 aperture after multiplying the seeing by 1.15. Forced on z-band.
z_gaap3p0Flux_flag_bigPsf boolean The Gaussianized PSF is bigger than the aperture. Forced on z-band.
z_gaapFlux_flag boolean Set for any fatal failure. Forced on z-band.
z_gaapFlux_flag_edge boolean Source is too close to the edge. Forced on z-band.
z_gaapFlux_flag_gaussianization boolean PSF Gaussianization failed when trying to scale by this factor. Forced on z-band.
z_hsmShapeRegauss_e1 float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on z-band.
z_hsmShapeRegauss_e2 float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on z-band.
z_hsmShapeRegauss_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on z-band.
z_hsmShapeRegauss_sigma float PSF-corrected shear using Hirata & Seljak (2003) regaussianization. Measured on z-band.
z_iDebiasedPSF_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on z-band.
z_iPSF_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on z-band.
z_iRound_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on z-band.
z_i_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on z-band.
z_inputCount int Number of images contributing at center, not including anyclipping. Forced on z-band.
z_inputCount_flag boolean Set for any fatal failure. Forced on z-band.
z_inputCount_flag_noInputs boolean No coadd inputs available. Forced on z-band.
z_ixx float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on z-band.
z_ixxDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on z-band.
z_ixxPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on z-band.
z_ixxRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on z-band.
z_ixy float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on z-band.
z_ixyDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on z-band.
z_ixyPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on z-band.
z_ixyRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on z-band.
z_iyy float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on z-band.
z_iyyDebiasedPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on z-band.
z_iyyPSF float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on z-band.
z_iyyRound float pixel**2 HSM moments. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_moments_30 float HSM higher order moments 30. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_momentsPsf_30 float HSM higher order PSF moments 30. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_moments_21 float HSM higher order moments 21. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_momentsPsf_21 float HSM higher order PSF moments 21. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_moments_12 float HSM higher order moments 12. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_momentsPsf_12 float HSM higher order PSF moments 12. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_moments_03 float HSM higher order moments 03. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_momentsPsf_03 float HSM higher order PSF moments 03. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_moments_40 float HSM higher order moments 40. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_momentsPsf_40 float HSM higher order PSF moments 40. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_moments_31 float HSM higher order moments 31. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_momentsPsf_31 float HSM higher order PSF moments 31. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_moments_22 float HSM higher order moments 22. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_momentsPsf_22 float HSM higher order PSF moments 22. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_moments_13 float HSM higher order moments 13. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_momentsPsf_13 float HSM higher order PSF moments 13. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_moments_04 float HSM higher order moments 04. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_momentsPsf_04 float HSM higher order PSF moments 04. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_moments_flag boolean General failure flag, to be used in conjunction with z_i_flag. Measured on z-band.
z_hsm_momentsPsf_flag boolean General failure flag, to be used in conjunction with z_iPSF_flag. Measured on z-band.
z_kronFlux float nJy Flux from Kron Flux algorithm. Measured on z-band.
z_kronFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty from Kron Flux algorithm. Measured on z-band.
z_kronFlux_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong. Measured on z-band.
z_kronFlux_flag_bad_radius boolean Bad Kron radius. Measured on z-band.
z_kronFlux_flag_bad_shape boolean Shape for measuring Kron radius is bad; used PSF shape. Measured on z-band.
z_kronFlux_flag_bad_shape_no_psf boolean Bad shape and no PSF. Measured on z-band.
z_kronFlux_flag_edge boolean Bad measurement due to image edge. Measured on z-band.
z_kronFlux_flag_no_fallback_radius boolean No minimum radius and no PSF provided. Measured on z-band.
z_kronFlux_flag_no_minimum_radius boolean Minimum radius could not enforced, no minimum value or PSF. Measured on z-band.
z_kronFlux_flag_small_radius boolean Measured Kron radius was smaller than that of the PSF. Measured on z-band.
z_kronFlux_flag_used_minimum_radius boolean Used the minimum radius for the Kron aperture. Measured on z-band.
z_kronFlux_flag_used_psf_radius boolean Used the PSF Kron radius for the Kron aperture. Measured on z-band.
z_kronRad float Kron radius (sqrt(a*b)). Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_bad boolean Bad pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_clipped boolean Source footprint includes CLIPPED pixels. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_clippedCenter boolean Source center is close to CLIPPED pixels. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_cr boolean Cosmic ray in the Source footprint. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_crCenter boolean Cosmic ray in the Source center. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_edge boolean Source is on the edge of an exposure region (masked EDGE). Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_inexact_psf boolean Source footprint includes INEXACT_PSF pixels. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_inexact_psfCenter boolean Source center is close to INEXACT_PSF pixels. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_interpolated boolean Interpolated pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_interpolatedCenter boolean Interpolated pixel in the Source center. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_nodata boolean Source is outside usable exposure region (masked NO_DATA). Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_offimage boolean Source center is off image. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_saturated boolean Saturated pixel in the Source footprint. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_saturatedCenter boolean Saturated pixel in the Source center. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_sensor_edge boolean Source footprint includes SENSOR_EDGE pixels. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_sensor_edgeCenter boolean Source center is close to SENSOR_EDGE pixels. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_suspect boolean Sources footprint includes suspect pixels. Measured on z-band.
z_pixelFlags_suspectCenter boolean Sources center is close to suspect pixels. Measured on z-band.
z_invalidPsfFlag boolean This object has an invalid PSF (usually no inputs). Measured on z-band.
z_psfFlux float nJy Flux derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Forced on z-band.
z_psfFluxErr float nJy Flux uncertainty derived from linear least-squares fit of PSF model. Forced on z-band.
z_psfFlux_area float pixel Effective area of PSF. Forced on z-band.
z_psfFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag. Forced on z-band.
z_psfFlux_flag_apCorr boolean Set if unable to aperture correct base_PsfFlux. Forced on z-band.
z_psfFlux_flag_edge boolean Object was too close to the edge of the image to use the full PSF model. Forced on z-band.
z_psfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels boolean Not enough non-rejected pixels in data to attempt the fit. Forced on z-band.
z_ra double deg Position in right ascension, measured on z-band.
z_raErr float deg Error in right ascension, measured on z-band.
z_ra_dec_Cov float deg**2 Covariance between right ascension and declination, measured on z-band.
z_deblend_dataCoverage float Fraction of data that contained good data, ie. 1 - number of no data pixels/total number of pixels in the z-band.
z_deblend_blendedness float Blendedness in the deconvolved scarlet space
z_deblend_fluxOverlap float The total flux from neighboring objects that overlaps with this sources footprint in the deconvolved space.
z_deblend_fluxOverlapFraction float Fraction of flux from neighbors / source flux in the deconvolved footprint.
z_deblend_zeroFlux boolean True when there was no flux attributed to this object after flux redistribution in the deblender.
g_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_sigma_x float pixel Standard deviation of the first Gaussian component (x-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (g-band).
g_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_sigma_y float pixel Standard deviation of the first Gaussian component (y-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (g-band).
g_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_rho float Ellipse rho (correlation coefficient) of the first Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (g-band).
g_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_fluxfrac float Fraction of the total flux (normalized to unity) of the first Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (g-band).
g_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_sigma_x float pixel Standard deviation of the second Gaussian component (x-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (g-band).
g_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_sigma_y float pixel Standard deviation of the second Gaussian component (y-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (g-band).
g_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_rho float Ellipse rho (correlation coefficient) of the second Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (g-band).
g_psfModel_TwoGaussian_n_iter int Number of iterations in the non-linear fit for the two-Gaussian PSF model (g-band).
g_psfModel_TwoGaussian_chisq_reduced float Reduced chi-squared of the best-fit model parameters (chi divided the number of data points) for the two-Gaussian PSF model (g-band).
g_psfModel_TwoGaussian_unknown_flag boolean Flag set for failures with an unexpected or unknown cause for the two-Gaussian PSF model (g-band).
g_psfModel_TwoGaussian_no_inputs_flag boolean Flag set for objects not fit because there were no coadd PSF inputs for the two-Gaussian PSF model (g-band).
i_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_sigma_x float pixel Standard deviation of the first Gaussian component (x-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (i-band).
i_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_sigma_y float pixel Standard deviation of the first Gaussian component (y-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (i-band).
i_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_rho float Ellipse rho (correlation coefficient) of the first Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (i-band).
i_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_fluxfrac float Fraction of the total flux (normalized to unity) of the first Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (i-band).
i_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_sigma_x float pixel Standard deviation of the second Gaussian component (x-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (i-band).
i_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_sigma_y float pixel Standard deviation of the second Gaussian component (y-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (i-band).
i_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_rho float Ellipse rho (correlation coefficient) of the second Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (i-band).
i_psfModel_TwoGaussian_n_iter int Number of iterations in the non-linear fit for the two-Gaussian PSF model (i-band).
i_psfModel_TwoGaussian_chisq_reduced float Reduced chi-squared of the best-fit model parameters (chi divided the number of data points) for the two-Gaussian PSF model (i-band).
i_psfModel_TwoGaussian_unknown_flag boolean Flag set for failures with an unexpected or unknown cause for the two-Gaussian PSF model (i-band).
i_psfModel_TwoGaussian_no_inputs_flag boolean Flag set for objects not fit because there were no coadd PSF inputs for the two-Gaussian PSF model (i-band).
r_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_sigma_x float pixel Standard deviation of the first Gaussian component (x-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (r-band).
r_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_sigma_y float pixel Standard deviation of the first Gaussian component (y-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (r-band).
r_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_rho float Ellipse rho (correlation coefficient) of the first Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (r-band).
r_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_fluxfrac float Fraction of the total flux (normalized to unity) of the first Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (r-band).
r_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_sigma_x float pixel Standard deviation of the second Gaussian component (x-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (r-band).
r_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_sigma_y float pixel Standard deviation of the second Gaussian component (y-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (r-band).
r_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_rho float Ellipse rho (correlation coefficient) of the second Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (r-band).
r_psfModel_TwoGaussian_n_iter int Number of iterations in the non-linear fit for the two-Gaussian PSF model (r-band).
r_psfModel_TwoGaussian_chisq_reduced float Reduced chi-squared of the best-fit model parameters (chi divided the number of data points) for the two-Gaussian PSF model (r-band).
r_psfModel_TwoGaussian_unknown_flag boolean Flag set for failures with an unexpected or unknown cause for the two-Gaussian PSF model (r-band).
r_psfModel_TwoGaussian_no_inputs_flag boolean Flag set for objects not fit because there were no coadd PSF inputs for the two-Gaussian PSF model (r-band).
y_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_sigma_x float pixel Standard deviation of the first Gaussian component (x-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (y-band).
y_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_sigma_y float pixel Standard deviation of the first Gaussian component (y-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (y-band).
y_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_rho float Ellipse rho (correlation coefficient) of the first Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (y-band).
y_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_fluxfrac float Fraction of the total flux (normalized to unity) of the first Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (y-band).
y_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_sigma_x float pixel Standard deviation of the second Gaussian component (x-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (y-band).
y_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_sigma_y float pixel Standard deviation of the second Gaussian component (y-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (y-band).
y_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_rho float Ellipse rho (correlation coefficient) of the second Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (y-band).
y_psfModel_TwoGaussian_n_iter int Number of iterations in the non-linear fit for the two-Gaussian PSF model (y-band).
y_psfModel_TwoGaussian_chisq_reduced float Reduced chi-squared of the best-fit model parameters (chi divided the number of data points) for the two-Gaussian PSF model (y-band).
y_psfModel_TwoGaussian_unknown_flag boolean Flag set for failures with an unexpected or unknown cause for the two-Gaussian PSF model (y-band).
y_psfModel_TwoGaussian_no_inputs_flag boolean Flag set for objects not fit because there were no coadd PSF inputs for the two-Gaussian PSF model (y-band).
z_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_sigma_x float pixel Standard deviation of the first Gaussian component (x-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (z-band).
z_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_sigma_y float pixel Standard deviation of the first Gaussian component (y-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (z-band).
z_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_rho float Ellipse rho (correlation coefficient) of the first Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (z-band).
z_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss1_fluxfrac float Fraction of the total flux (normalized to unity) of the first Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (z-band).
z_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_sigma_x float pixel Standard deviation of the second Gaussian component (x-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (z-band).
z_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_sigma_y float pixel Standard deviation of the second Gaussian component (y-axis) in the two-Gaussian PSF model (z-band).
z_psfModel_TwoGaussian_gauss2_rho float Ellipse rho (correlation coefficient) of the second Gaussian component in the two-Gaussian PSF model (z-band).
z_psfModel_TwoGaussian_n_iter int Number of iterations in the non-linear fit for the two-Gaussian PSF model (z-band).
z_psfModel_TwoGaussian_chisq_reduced float Reduced chi-squared of the best-fit model parameters (chi divided the number of data points) for the two-Gaussian PSF model (z-band).
z_psfModel_TwoGaussian_unknown_flag boolean Flag set for failures with an unexpected or unknown cause for the two-Gaussian PSF model (z-band).
z_psfModel_TwoGaussian_no_inputs_flag boolean Flag set for objects not fit because there were no coadd PSF inputs for the two-Gaussian PSF model (z-band).
sersic_x double pixel Centroid (tract, x-axis) from the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_y double pixel Centroid (tract, y-axis) from the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_ra double deg Centroid (right ascension) from the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_dec double deg Centroid (declination) from the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_reff_x float pixel Effective radius (x-axis) from the multiband Sersic model fit, prior to convolution with the adjusted (see config) PSF value.
sersic_reff_y float pixel Effective radius (y-axis) from the multiband Sersic model fit, prior to convolution with the adjusted (see config) PSF value.
sersic_rho float Ellipse rho (correlation coefficient) from the multiband Sersic model fit.
g_sersicFlux float nJy g-band flux from the multiband Sersic model fit.
i_sersicFlux float nJy i-band flux from the multiband Sersic model fit.
r_sersicFlux float nJy r-band flux from the multiband Sersic model fit.
y_sersicFlux float nJy y-band flux from the multiband Sersic model fit.
z_sersicFlux float nJy z-band flux from the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_index float Sersic profile index parameter from the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_xErr float pixel Error on the centroid (tract, x-axis) from the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_yErr float pixel Error on the centroid (tract, y-axis) from the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_raErr float deg Error on the centroid (right ascension) from the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_decErr float deg Error on the centroid (declination) from the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_reff_xErr float pixel Error on the effective radius (x-axis) from the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_reff_yErr float pixel Error on the effective radius (y-axis) from the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_rhoErr float Error on ellipse rho (correlation coefficient) from the multiband Sersic model fit.
g_sersicFluxErr float nJy Error on the g-band flux from the multiband Sersic model fit.
i_sersicFluxErr float nJy Error on the i-band flux from the multiband Sersic model fit.
r_sersicFluxErr float nJy Error on the r-band flux from the multiband Sersic model fit.
y_sersicFluxErr float nJy Error on the y-band flux from the multiband Sersic model fit.
z_sersicFluxErr float nJy Error on the z-band flux from the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_indexErr float Error on the Sersic profile index parameter from the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_n_eval_jac int Number of Jacobian evaluations for the multiband Sersic model fit.
sersic_n_iter int Number of iterations in the non-linear fit for the multiband Sersic model.
sersic_chisq_reduced float Reduced chi-squared of the best-fit model parameters (chi divided the number of data points) for the multiband Sersic model.
sersic_no_data_flag boolean Flag set when there is insufficient data to fit for the multiband Sersic model.
sersic_unknown_flag boolean Flag set for failures with an unexpected or unknown cause for the multiband Sersic model.


Table to store high signal-to-noise sources;. A source is a measurement of Object's properties from a single image that contains its footprint on the sky.

Column Name Data Type Unit Description UCD Index Principal
sourceId long Unique id. Unique Source ID. Primary Key. meta.id;src
coord_ra double deg Fiducial ICRS Right Ascension of centroid used for database indexing
coord_dec double deg Fiducial ICRS Declination of centroid used for database indexing
visit long Id of the visit where this source was measured. meta.id;obs.image
detector short Id of the detector where this source was measured. Datatype short instead of byte because of DB concerns about unsigned bytes. meta.id;obs.image
parentSourceId long Unique ID of parent source
x double pixel Centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm
y double pixel Centroid from Sdss Centroid algorithm
xErr float pixel 1-sigma uncertainty on x position
yErr float pixel 1-sigma uncertainty on y position
ra double deg Position in right ascension.
dec double deg Position in declination.
raErr float deg Error in right ascension.
decErr float deg Error in declination.
ra_dec_Cov float deg**2 Covariance between right ascension and declination.
calibFlux double nJy Flux within 12.0-pixel aperture
calibFluxErr double nJy Flux uncertainty within 12.0-pixel aperture
ap03Flux double nJy Flux within 3.0-pixel aperture
ap03FluxErr double nJy Flux uncertainty within 3.0-pixel aperture
ap03Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag
ap06Flux double nJy Flux within 6.0-pixel aperture
ap06FluxErr double nJy Flux uncertainty within 6.0-pixel aperture
ap06Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag
ap09Flux double nJy Flux within 9.0-pixel aperture
ap09FluxErr double nJy Flux uncertainty within 9.0-pixel aperture
ap09Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag
ap12Flux double nJy Flux within 12.0-pixel aperture
ap12FluxErr double nJy Flux uncertainty within 12.0-pixel aperture
ap12Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag
ap17Flux double nJy Flux within 17.0-pixel aperture
ap17FluxErr double nJy Flux uncertainty within 17.0-pixel aperture
ap17Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag
ap25Flux double nJy Flux within 25.0-pixel aperture
ap25FluxErr double nJy Flux uncertainty within 25.0-pixel aperture
ap25Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag
ap35Flux double nJy Flux within 35.0-pixel aperture
ap35FluxErr double nJy Flux uncertainty within 35.0-pixel aperture
ap35Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag
ap50Flux double nJy Flux within 50.0-pixel aperture
ap50FluxErr double nJy Flux uncertainty within 50.0-pixel aperture
ap50Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag
ap70Flux double nJy Flux within 70.0-pixel aperture
ap70FluxErr double nJy Flux uncertainty within 70.0-pixel aperture
ap70Flux_flag boolean General Failure Flag
sky double nJy Background in annulus around source
skyErr double nJy Background in annulus around source
psfFlux double nJy Flux derived from linear least-squares fit of psf model forced on the calexp
psfFluxErr double nJy Uncertainty on the flux derived from linear least-squares fit of psf model forced on the calexp
ixx double pixel**2 HSM moments
iyy double pixel**2 HSM moments
ixy double pixel**2 HSM moments
ixxPSF double pixel**2 HSM moments
iyyPSF double pixel**2 HSM moments
ixyPSF double pixel**2 HSM moments
ixxDebiasedPSF double HSM moments
iyyDebiasedPSF double HSM moments
ixyDebiasedPSF double HSM moments
gaussianFlux double nJy Flux from Gaussian Flux algorithm
gaussianFluxErr double nJy Flux uncertainty from Gaussian Flux algorithm
extendedness double Set to 1 for extended sources, 0 for point sources.
sizeExtendedness double Moments-based measure of a source to be a galaxy.
localPhotoCalib double Local approximation of the PhotoCalib calibration factor at the location of the src.
localPhotoCalib_flag boolean Set for any fatal failure
localPhotoCalibErr double Error on the local approximation of the PhotoCalib calibration factor at the location of the src.
localWcs_flag boolean Set for any fatal failure
localWcs_CDMatrix_2_1 double (2, 1) element of the CDMatrix for the linear approximation of the WCS at the src location. Gives units in radians.
localWcs_CDMatrix_1_1 double (1, 1) element of the CDMatrix for the linear approximation of the WCS at the src location. Gives units in radians.
localWcs_CDMatrix_1_2 double (1, 2) element of the CDMatrix for the linear approximation of the WCS at the src location. Gives units in radians.
localWcs_CDMatrix_2_2 double (2, 2) element of the CDMatrix for the linear approximation of the WCS at the src location. Gives units in radians.
blendedness_abs double Measure of how much the flux is affected by neighbors, (1 - child_flux/parent_flux). Operates on the absolute value of the pixels to try to obtain a de-noised value. See section 4.9.11 of Bosch et al. 2018, PASJ, 70, S5 for details.
blendedness_flag boolean General Failure Flag
blendedness_flag_noCentroid boolean Object has no centroid
blendedness_flag_noShape boolean Object has no shape
apFlux_12_0_flag boolean General Failure Flag
apFlux_12_0_flag_apertureTruncated boolean Aperture did not fit within measurement image
apFlux_12_0_flag_sincCoeffsTruncated boolean Full sinc coefficient image did not fit within measurement image
apFlux_12_0_instFlux double count Flux within 12.0-pixel aperture
apFlux_12_0_instFluxErr double count 1-sigma flux uncertainty
apFlux_17_0_flag boolean General Failure Flag
apFlux_17_0_instFlux double count Flux within 17.0-pixel aperture
apFlux_17_0_instFluxErr double count 1-sigma flux uncertainty
apFlux_35_0_flag boolean General Failure Flag
apFlux_35_0_instFlux double count Flux within 35.0-pixel aperture
apFlux_35_0_instFluxErr double count 1-sigma flux uncertainty
apFlux_50_0_flag boolean General Failure Flag
apFlux_50_0_instFlux double count Flux within 50.0-pixel aperture
apFlux_50_0_instFluxErr double count 1-sigma flux uncertainty
normCompTophatFlux_flag boolean General failure flag for normCompTophatFlux.
normCompTophatFlux_instFlux double count Normalized compensated tophat flux for calibration
normCompTophatFlux_instFluxErr double count 1-sigma flux uncertainty on normCompTophatFlux_instFlux
extendedness_flag boolean Set to 1 for any fatal failure.
sizeExtendedness_flag boolean Set to 1 for any fatal failure.
footprintArea_value int pixel Number of pixels in the sources detection footprint.
jacobian_flag boolean Set to 1 for any fatal failure
jacobian_value double Jacobian correction
localBackground_instFlux double count Background in annulus around source
localBackground_instFluxErr double count 1-sigma flux uncertainty
localBackground_flag boolean General Failure Flag
localBackground_flag_noGoodPixels boolean No good pixels in the annulus
localBackground_flag_noPsf boolean No PSF provided
pixelFlags_bad boolean Bad pixel in the Source footprint
pixelFlags_cr boolean Cosmic ray in the Source footprint
pixelFlags_crCenter boolean Cosmic ray in the Source center
pixelFlags_edge boolean Source is on the edge of an exposure region (masked EDGE)
pixelFlags_interpolated boolean Interpolated pixel in the Source footprint
pixelFlags_interpolatedCenter boolean Interpolated pixel in the Source center
pixelFlags_nodata boolean Source is outside usable exposure region (masked NO_DATA)
pixelFlags_offimage boolean Source center is off image
pixelFlags_saturated boolean Saturated pixel in the Source footprint
pixelFlags_saturatedCenter boolean Saturated pixel in the Source center
pixelFlags_suspect boolean Sources footprint includes suspect pixels
pixelFlags_suspectCenter boolean Sources center is close to suspect pixels
invalidPsfFlag boolean Source has an invalid psf.
psfFlux_apCorr double Aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux
psfFlux_apCorrErr double Standard deviation of aperture correction applied to base_PsfFlux
psfFlux_area float pixel Effective area of PSF
psfFlux_flag boolean Failure to derive linear least-squares fit of psf model forced on the calexp
psfFlux_flag_apCorr boolean Set if unable to aperture correct base_PsfFlux
psfFlux_flag_edge boolean Object was too close to the edge of the image to use the full PSF model
psfFlux_flag_noGoodPixels boolean Not enough non-rejected pixels in data to attempt the fit
gaussianFlux_flag boolean General Failure Flag
centroid_flag boolean General Failure Flag
centroid_flag_almostNoSecondDerivative boolean Almost vanishing second derivative
centroid_flag_badError boolean Error on x and/or y position is NaN
centroid_flag_edge boolean Object too close to edge
centroid_flag_noSecondDerivative boolean Vanishing second derivative
centroid_flag_notAtMaximum boolean Object is not at a maximum
centroid_flag_resetToPeak boolean Set if CentroidChecker reset the centroid
variance_flag boolean Set for any fatal failure
variance_flag_emptyFootprint boolean Set to True when the footprint has no usable pixels
variance_value double Variance at object position
calib_astrometry_used boolean Set if source was used in astrometric calibration
calib_photometry_reserved boolean Set if source was reserved from photometric calibration
calib_photometry_used boolean Set if source was used in photometric calibration
calib_psf_candidate boolean Flag set if the source was a candidate for PSF determination, as determined by the star selector.
calib_psf_reserved boolean Set if source was reserved from PSF determination
calib_psf_used boolean Flag set if the source was actually used for PSF determination, as determined by the
deblend_deblendedAsPsf boolean Deblender thought this source looked like a PSF
deblend_hasStrayFlux boolean This source was assigned some stray flux
deblend_masked boolean Parent footprint was predominantly masked
deblend_nChild int Number of children this object has (defaults to 0)
deblend_parentTooBig boolean Parent footprint covered too many pixels
deblend_patchedTemplate boolean This source was near an image edge and the deblender used patched edge-handling.
deblend_rampedTemplate boolean This source was near an image edge and the deblender used ramp edge-handling.
deblend_skipped boolean Deblender skipped this source
deblend_tooManyPeaks boolean Source had too many peaks; only the brightest were included
hsmPsfMoments_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong
hsmPsfMoments_flag_no_pixels boolean No pixels to measure
hsmPsfMoments_flag_not_contained boolean Center not contained in footprint bounding box
hsmPsfMoments_flag_parent_source boolean Parent source, ignored
iDebiasedPSF_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong
iDebiasedPSF_flag_no_pixels boolean No pixels to measure
iDebiasedPSF_flag_not_contained boolean Center not contained in footprint bounding box
iDebiasedPSF_flag_parent_source boolean Parent source, ignored
iDebiasedPSF_flag_galsim boolean GalSim failure
iDebiasedPSF_flag_edge boolean Variance undefined outside image edge
hsmShapeRegauss_flag boolean General failure flag, set if anything went wrong
hsmShapeRegauss_flag_galsim boolean GalSim failure
hsmShapeRegauss_flag_no_pixels boolean No pixels to measure
hsmShapeRegauss_flag_not_contained boolean Center not contained in footprint bounding box
hsmShapeRegauss_flag_parent_source boolean Parent source, ignored
sky_source boolean Sky objects.
detect_isPrimary boolean True if Object seed has no children and is in the inner region of a coadd patch and is in the inner region of a coadd tract and is not a sky object
band char Name of the band used to take the exposure where this source was measured. Abstract filter that is not associated with a particular instrument
physical_filter char ID of physical filter, the filter associated with a particular instrument.


Defines a single Visit.

Column Name Data Type Unit Description UCD Index Principal
visit long Unique identifier. meta.id;obs.image
physical_filter char ID of physical filter, the filter associated with a particular instrument.
band char Name of the band used to take the visit where this source was measured. Abstract filter that is not associated with a particular instrument.
ra double deg RA of focal plane center.
dec double deg Declination of focal plane center
decl double deg Deprecated duplicate of dec.
skyRotation double deg Sky rotation angle.
azimuth double deg Azimuth of focal plane center at the middle of the visit.
altitude double deg Altitude of focal plane center at the middle of the visit.
zenithDistance double deg Zenith distance at the middle of the visit.
airmass double Airmass of the observed line of sight.
expTime double s Spatially-averaged duration of visit, accurate to 10ms.
midpoint timestamp Midpoint time of the visit at the fiducial center of the focal plane array. TAI, accurate to 10ms.
midpointMjdTai double d Midpoint time of the visit at the fiducial center of the focal plane array, expressed as Modified Julian Date, International Atomic Time, accurate to 10ms.
obsStart timestamp Start time of the visit at the fiducial center of the focal plane array, TAI, accurate to 10ms.
obsStartMjdTai double Start of the visit, expressed as Modified Julian Date, International Atomic Time, accurate to 10ms.


Defines a single detector of a visit

Column Name Data Type Unit Description UCD Index Principal
ccdVisitId long Primary key (unique identifier).
visitId long Reference to the corresponding entry in the Visit table.
physical_filter char ID of physical filter, the filter associated with a particular instrument.
band char Name of the band used to take the visit where this source was measured. Abstract filter that is not associated with a particular instrument.
ra double deg RA of Ccd center.
dec double deg Declination of Ccd center.
decl double deg Deprecated duplicate of dec.
pixelScale float arcsec/pixel Measured detector pixel scale.
zenithDistance float deg Zenith distance at observation mid-point.
zeroPoint float mag Zero-point for the Ccd, estimated at Ccd center.
psfSigma float pixel PSF model second-moments determinant radius (center of chip)
skyBg float adu Average sky background.
skyNoise float adu RMS noise of the sky background.
detector long Detector ID. A detector associated with a particular instrument (not an observation of that detector)
seeing double arcsec Mean measured FWHM of the PSF.
skyRotation double deg Sky rotation angle.
midpoint timestamp Midpoint of this visit. TAI, accurate to 10ms.
midpointMjdTai double d Midpoint of this visit, expressed as Modified Julian Date, International Atomic Time, accurate to 10ms.
expTime double s Spatially-averaged duration of visit, accurate to 10ms.
obsStart timestamp Start of the visit, TAI, accurate to 10ms.
obsStartMjdTai double Start of the visit, expressed as Modified Julian Date, International Atomic Time, accurate to 10ms.
darkTime double s Average dark current accumulation time, accurate to 10ms.
xSize long pixel Number of columns in the image.
ySize long pixel Number of rows in the image.
llcra double deg RA of lower left corner.
llcdec double deg Declination of lower left corner.
ulcra double deg RA of upper left corner.
ulcdec double deg Declination of upper left corner.
urcra double deg RA of upper right corner.
urcdec double deg Declination of upper right corner.
lrcra double deg RA of lower right corner.
lrcdec double deg Declination of lower right corner.
astromOffsetMean double arcsec Mean offset of astrometric calibration matches (arcsec)
astromOffsetStd double arcsec Standard deviation of offsets of astrometric calibration matches (arcsec)
nPsfStar int Number of stars used for PSF model
psfStarDeltaE1Median double Median E1 residual (starE1 - psfE1) for psf stars
psfStarDeltaE2Median double Median E2 residual (starE2 - psfE2) for psf stars
psfStarDeltaE1Scatter double Scatter (via MAD) of E1 residual (starE1 - psfE1) for psf stars
psfStarDeltaE2Scatter double Scatter (via MAD) of E2 residual (starE2 - psfE2) for psf stars
psfStarDeltaSizeMedian double pixel Median size residual (starSize - psfSize) for psf stars (pixel)
psfStarDeltaSizeScatter double pixel Scatter (via MAD) of size residual (starSize - psfSize) for stars (pixel)
psfStarScaledDeltaSizeScatter double Scatter (via MAD) of size residual scaled by median size squared
psfTraceRadiusDelta double pixel Delta (max - min) of model psf trace radius values evaluated on a grid of unmasked pixels (pixel)
psfApFluxDelta double Delta (max - min) of model psf aperture flux (with aperture radius of max(2, 3*psfSigma)) values evaluated on a grid of unmasked pixels
psfApCorrSigmaScaledDelta double Delta (max - min) of psf flux aperture correction factors scaled (divided) by the psfSigma evaluated on a grid of unmasked pixels
maxDistToNearestPsf double pixel Maximum distance of an unmasked pixel to its nearest model psf star (pixel)

SDM Schemas is maintained by Rubin Observatory.